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Why has my account suddenly changed to a TRIAL basis

Community Member

I have a current annual subscription and was using 1Password without problem but everything changed after I downloaded 1Password7. My account is now described as on a TRIAL basis with 10 days left. before I have to pay AGAIN? I'm confused.

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: 7.2.5
OS Version: OS X 10.14.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:I'm thoroughly confused. Why is my account only on a TRIAl basis?


  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    Previously all my data was in a Master vault stored in Cloud, now it seems to be in a Personal vault on .com website. More confusion!

  • arturoaubry
    Community Member

    Hey, @cj_wilding.

    I'm not a 1Pass team member, but I believe that you've probably started the 30-day trial for a 1Password Account. You can see all about it here: In this case, I recommend you to wait for an official answer from any of 1Pass team members. Don't worry, though, they're super helpful!

    Have a nice week!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding: If you already had a 1Password membership subscription, you'd need to sign into that account in order for that to work. It sounds like you've signed into a second(?) account which is on a trial. Without a subscription that will be frozen -- i.e. read only -- after the trial. It sounds like it would be best for you to use the account you're paying for.

    But to be clear, iCloud isn't at all involved with that, if you're been using 1Password without a membership subscription account and syncing your own data. Anyway, let me know what you find!

  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    Thanks for your advice but.... being a bear of little brain, I get thoroughly confused by the fact that it seems I now have 2 accounts, each of which appears to behave differently depending on whether I use my Mac computer or one of my iOS devices. I simply don't understand how to get out of this tangle, so I have given in and purchased an annual subscription to 1Password7, so that I can be sure I have at least one accessible active account. Any chance I can delete what I think was my original account without damaging my new one?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding - just having 1Password data doesn't mean you have an account. That's what we call "standalone," and it's how ALL 1Password used to work until early 2016. So if you've had 1Password data for several years, that's likely what you had/have. If you've then opened a account, that's a separate set of vaults (could be only one or more than one, depending on account type). Are you saying you've opened TWO or more 1Password accounts at Or just that you had standalone 1Password data previously and now have opened an account?

  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    I must have had stand-alone before now, and all data was kept in a cloud vault. I’m sure I didn’t have an online “personal” account, which is what I must have recently opened. I don’t mind which one I use; I would rather not have both.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding - a account is by far the best way to use 1Password these days, for numerous reasons. Please have a look in 1Password's Preferences > Vaults and tell us what you see: how many vaults are there, and what are their names?

  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    Hi Lars. Thank you. When I open ‘Vaults’ I find 2: the older one is listed as being on iCloud and labelled “Primary”. It continues to sync automatically as it always has. The other one looks like the new one and is listed as Christopher Wilding - Personal. PS your calm approach to my weak grasp of this conundrum is most encouraging.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding - OK, so that's what I expected. At this point, you just need to figure out what to do. 1Password 7 for Mac is an all-new, full-version upgrade, so it will require either a account (which includes all of our apps across four platforms - Mac, Windows, iOS and Android, and all future upgrades, for as long as you maintain the membership), or a standalone license for this version of 1Password for Mac, which is $49.99. Again, I'd strongly recommend the former. Since you've already got that set up, all you need to do is look in the Personal vault in 1Password for Mac and make sure you've got what you would consider a complete and up-to-date copy of your data present in that vault (in other words: no items remaining in your iCloud vault that are NOT also already in your vault), then use these steps to remove your old standalone vault (you can skip #1, as you've already done that). On any other devices, you can do the same thing: just add your account to the app, then remove the old Primary vault.

  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    Ok. I’ll wrap my head in a wet towel and work my way through this. Then i’ll get back to you with the outcome.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding - don't hesitate to reach out if you get stuck or have questions. Better to ask, especially when it concerns your most important data. :)

  • cj_wilding
    Community Member

    Hi Lars. I think I've cracked it - well, you and me together. I went painstakingly through all my items on each device and on each vault to check that nothing was missing on my Personal vault. Now I've deleted my old Primary vault and cleared the confusion. I'm really grateful to you. Christopher.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @cj_wilding - excellent! Just make sure you remove the Primary vault in 1Password on any other devices you use it on, and you should be all set to go! Glad I was able to help. :)

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