

When my desktop and extension are both locked, unlocking one does not unlock the other. IIRC, I could unlock both at once when I used the standalone version, but I'm not able to find any way to do this now. Is there a setting for this? How do I unlock one and thereby automatically unlock the other (instead of having to unlock each separately)?

1Password Version: 7.x
Extension Version: 1.18.1
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: 1Password


  • Thanks for asking, @SecretSquirrel! With the beta builds of 1Password for Mac and 1Password X we have a feature called Desktop App Integration that allows 1Password X to leverage the desktop app for locking and unlocking, item editing capabilities, and then some. This feature isn't quite ready for use with 1Password for Windows, but we're working on it! If being able to unlock and lock one with the other is a deal breaker for you, we do still have the companion app extension available. To start using that extension, uninstall 1Password X, and install the 1Password companion app extension from here:

    1Password companion app extension

  • Sweet! You're very welcome. :)

  • kaitlyn
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2020

    @SecretSquirrel – 😍

    I just realize @cecelia and I's profile photos both include our furry best friends. If you couldn't already tell, we're dog lovers. ❤️

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