Can only one Vault be open/active at a time?

Luke Adamson
Luke Adamson
Community Member

I was very excited to see the new shareable Vaults feature, but unless I'm missing something, it seems like using them reduces the convenience of 1Password quite a bit. For example, I created a separate Business vault to share certain passwords with a co-worker. I copied one of the password items from my Primary Vault to the Business Vault, and then deleted the copy from my Primary Vault (because who wants to manually keep multiple copies of the same data in sync, right?). Now when I use Safari to browse to the relevant website and press Command-\, it only offers to fill the password if I have the "Business Vault" selected in the full 1Password app. If the Business Vault isn't selected, I get no matches. So, whereas it used to be that Command-\ was the magical key sequence that did the right thing, now it only does the right thing if you launch 1Password first and make sure to select the right Vault. Am I missing something?

I love the concept of the shareable Vaults, but it sure would be nice if Command-\ searched through all your vaults, rather than the "one" Vault you last selected when you had 1Password open. Otherwise, the more you organize passwords/etc., into different vaults, the less and less convenient it is to actually fill in those passwords with Command-.

Thank you for clarifying!


  • Luke Adamson
    Luke Adamson
    Community Member

    I discovered that under Sealion it's possible to change the active vault from 1Password mini in the menu bar. For some reason, that UI wasn't drawing in Mountain Lion. Still, it would be nice if you didn't have to manually select each vault, and instead you could have multiple open at once and have Command-\ search through all of them simultaneously.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, Luke.

    Currently only one vault is active at a time, as you know. Here are a couple related topics with suggestions and discussions about vault sharing:

    If not the ability to search all unlocked vaults simultaneously even a shortcut for quickly switching between them, especially with 1P mini/extension active, would be helpful.

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