Upgrade Pricing from V3 to V4

Tom F
Tom F
Community Member

I have been a long time user of 1 Password (since 2009). I am currently running 1 Password Version 3.8.21 (build 32009) on my iMac with the latest OS installed. Is there a reduced price to upgrade to 1 Password 4? If so, then what is that upgrade cost and path to do so. Right now the cost via the App store is ~$39.99. I am currently running both V3 and V4 on my iPhone because 4 and 3 on the iMac do not sync (and I am also having some issues with DropBox and sync V3 iMac with V4 on iPhone)


  • Jasper
    edited October 2013

    From 1Password 4 for Mac is here | Agile Blog:

    • All Mac App Store customers get 1Password 4 for free. Yes, all of them
    • All website customers who purchased 1Password for Mac in 2013 get v4 for free. Yes, that’s a nine-month free upgrade window
    • Launch sale price for new customers: $39.99 – that’s 20% off the regular price of $49.99 for single-user license, and $55.99 for family license
    • Launch upgrade sale price for website customers who bought before 2013: $24.99 – that’s $10 off our regular upgrade price of $34.99, and $34.99 for the family pack (half price from the regular upgrade of $69.99!)

    So for you specifically, it should cost $24.99 to upgrade (through the AgileBits web store). You can enter your v3 license key on the web store to see your upgrade options and purchase. BTW, there's no way to get upgrade pricing on the Mac App Store.

  • Overtoom
    Community Member

    How is it that all Apple Store custumers get 1Pw for free? I am an Apple Store customer but I happened to visit Agilebits' site to look for answers to a wifi-syncing problem. Nowhere was it made clear that upgrading could be done for free through the store. I feel misled.

  • paulr540
    Community Member

    Hi. I purchased the V4 via apple store thinking I'd be presented with an option to upgrade my previously installed version (purchased 2011). Is there a process to gain a credit? Second question - I now have (2) versions running simultaneously and cannot figure out how to merge the two...help!

  • Lew_B
    Community Member

    Another 2 Questions: I have 1Pw V3 Mac and V1 for Windows (as well as iOS versions). I DO want to upgrade, but want to wait until I get a new Mac with 10.9.... (currently running 10.7.5)

    1.) How long will the upgrade pricing be valid? I'm trying to figure out if I should buy now to lock in the upgrade price, or should I wait.

    2.) What are the plans for Win version? I am running the latest, so see no reason to upgrade the Win license also, unless you tell me otherwise ;-)

    Thanks, Lew

  • Jasper
    edited October 2013


    I think that AgileBits has been saying all along that 1P4 would be a free upgrade in the Mac App Store, and free for AgileBits store customers who purchased in 2013. Even for those who purchased through the web store, that's still around a nine month free upgrade window.

    And here's a previous explanation that they gave as to why MAS is free:

    If you purchased 1Password 3 for Mac directly from our own online store at any time in 2013 you will get a free upgrade to 1Password 4 for Mac when it comes out. We would do the same on the Mac App Store, but Apple provides to way to specify that only users who purchased after a certain date will get an update. So we decided to be more generous and give the update to everyone who purchased on the Mac App Store. The alternative would be to not give the update to anyone on the Mac App Store. There is no middle ground there. Apple simply doesn't provide the ability to do that. Either the update is free to everyone who purchased on the Mac App Store or it is not free to anyone who purchased on the Mac App Store. Which would you have chosen? We like the more generous option.

    From: http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/76522/#Comment_76522


    1. There's no way for developers to offer special upgrade pricing to certain users on the Mac App Store. It's $39.99 (currently) for everyone! Also, developers can't issue refunds for apps purchased there either - only Apple can. You could request a refund from Apple and switch to the AgileBits store version to get your upgrade price, or send an email to AgileBits and see if they have any other options for you.

    2. Which two versions do you currently have installed? 1Password 3 from the AgileBits store, and 1Password 4 from the MAS?


    1. I'm just a user, so I don't know how long the upgrade price will be available. But there's no harm in buying it now just to be sure you get the deal, right? It'll be there waiting for you once you upgrade to 10.9!


    Is 1Password 4 available for Windows?

    Not just yet. 1Password 4 for Windows will bring many new features that we know you will enjoy. We don’t have a time frame, but this is definitely in the cards.

    The good news is that any copy of 1Password for Windows you purchase from now on is eligible for a free upgrade when 1Password 4 for Windows is available. Great now. Greater later!

    From: http://learn.agilebits.com/1Password4/Mac/en/v3-transition.html

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited October 2013


    You may find this helpful if you happen to wish to move from, the Mac App Store version to the web version. I don't think that was quite your question but I am including it here in case it was. http://learn.agilebits.com/1Password4/Mac/en/KB/mas-web.html

    Related topic link http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/88340/#Comment_88340

    See the topic for info about converting to the Web site version if thats what you are looking for.

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