Safari extension and other devices always show an older version then main and mini app

Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac


Just yesterday I was 'reorganizing' a few of my accounts on my office Mac, basically merging office accounts that are using the same LDAP password for different sites/urls. But those changes (version 2) wouldn't appear on my personal Mac. Today when I reviewed the problem on my office Mac the changes were gone and I redid only a few of them (version 3).
Then version 3 was in the mini app and in the main app but the Safari extension still had the old stuff (not sure which version). Then I switched to a Test Vault in the main app, the mini app will switch but the extension won't. Switching back the mini app to the primary vault would be there twice (one for a Test Vault, one for the primary). The funny thing: Now the Safari extension has version 2. Reinstalling Safari extension doesn't change the version.

My current status:

  • Mac app: version 3
  • mini app: version 3
  • Safari extension: version 2
  • iPhone app: version 2

Using 1Password (4.0.3) syncing with Dropbox and Safari extension (4.0.1). I was in the beta program during which I changed my master password because of an AgileBits article that declared my old password crackable, which caused sync issues. And just a few days ago I deleted the 1Password 4 (beta) app having had them run in parallel (seems like that) and probably inflicting conflicts.

Any hints what I can do in order to get Dropbox syncing back from this weird behaviour?

Thanks :-)


  • pvblivs
    Community Member
    edited October 2013

    I just checked back with my personal Mac at home. And this is still having version 1.

    So status:

    • Mac app: version 3
    • mini app: version 3
    • Safari extension: version 2
    • iPhone app: version 2
    • Personal Mac: version 1

    I'm really clueless except for one thing: Somehow there must be 3 different versions in Dropbox because stuff actually gets synced, but in a very weird way.

    So my next steps would be to:

    • deactivate Dropbox syncing for my office Mac.
    • secure the 1Password backup somehow
    • delete the 1Password folder from Dropbox
    • enable Dropbox syncing again (hopefully not needing a backup)
    • check all other devices

    Any thoughts?

  • pvblivs
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    I eventually reset 1Password for Mac according to a very good tip ( and managed to enable a fresh installation from Dropbox this way.

    Dropbox and 1Password now are in sync.

    Still out of sync (still with the version 2 described above): Safari extension. Strange. This means that Browser extensions do keep a separate copy somewhere still. But where?

    This topic can be closed. I'll open a new thread for this simpler problem.

This discussion has been closed.