Can't import from Dashlane

Community Member

Moved from 1Password 3 to Dashlane a few months ago. I like what I see with 1Password 4 and would like to try to move back. However, when trying to import Dashlane's exported CSV file 1Password 4 simply won't import anything. It says 0 logins imported and 0 logins failed.

Any help on exporting my Dashlane data into 1Password? Having to reconstruct everything would take way too long to make the switch worthwhile.



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014

    Hi, @ErikSwan.

    The reason for your failing CSV import could be a newline issue similar to what I mentioned elsewhere. A possible workaround is to convert newline characters in the CSV file from CR (Carriage return) to LF (Line feed). A GUI utility to do that is available here:

    linebreak - LineBreak is a simple utility for Mac OS X that converts line breaks in text documents.

    There's also the possibility of importing your CSV file using 1Password 3 and exporting a 1PIF format file that can be imported into 1P4. See @jpgoldberg's post for detailed instructions: here.

    I hope one of those methods will work for you. We'd appreciate your feedback and also seeing a sample of the failed import (see post #4 in that other topic) if you'd like to email us one. Thanks!

  • ErikSwan
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I've decided to stick with Dashlane until 1Password 4 for Windows is released, or until there is a decent solution to the cross-platform plugin problems/file format inconsistencies that exist right now.

    When that happens, I'll try to resolve the import problems and let you know if I am still having issues. Thanks!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ErikSwan,

    Thanks for the feedback. Our developers are working hard to get 1Password for Windows up to version 4's standards. If you're curious and don't want to miss an update, stay tuned here ... or check out our blog, follow us on Twitter (@1Password), or sign up for our newsletters.

    We do tend to get excited about new stuff, so we'll be sure to announce as soon as we have something! :)

  • MarkNijhof
    Community Member

    I have tried the suggestions here, but I am still unable to import a Dashlane CSV export file into 1Password. I also tried editing the file manually but still no luck. I rather not go past each line individually though. Is there any updates on this to share?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014

    Hi @MarkNijhof,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble importing your exported Dashlane CSV data into 1Password. Which version of 1Password are you running?

    It looks like Dashlane exports the account email address to the first line of the CSV file, e.g. "". That needs to be removed.

    For Login items, make sure your CSV file uses this column (field) order described in the import guide:


    1Password 4.2 extends it to be:


    There might be special characters that need to be quoted, especially in password fields. With 1Password 4.2, if a field contains double-quote characters use a second double-quote to quote it, e.g.:

    "this is my quoted "" character in the field"

    Also try using CR+LF newline (line break) character(s) characters, but LF should also still work; CR won't.

    For more information about the status of CSV importing see Jamie's ( @jxpx777 ) post here (#6). The changes in the 4.2 betas he mentions are in the current 4.2.2 update (available now from our website; upcoming from the Mac App Store).

    I hope that helps you with importing your data from Dashlane into 1Password 4. Cheers!

  • MarkNijhof
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply, I'll see if I can make it work this weekend, it is useful to know the expected format

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MarkNijhof,

    Here's a summary of guidelines for creating CSV data that can make the difference in whether or not 1Password 4 will successfully import it:

    • Use CR+LF newline (line break) characters.
    • Use UTF-8 file encoding.
    • Correctly order input columns (fields).
    • Correctly quote field data.

    I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your importing this weekend. :)

  • rgreenpc
    Community Member

    I have exported and tried everything I could think of to no avail. I really don't want to do this manually

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rgreenpc,

    Have you tried all the suggestions from at least the more recent #6 and #8 replies?

    Also a "divide and conquer" strategy can isolate problems with your input file. For example, first try importing just the first few lines of the file. If that fails it may be a general issue. If it succeeds, then try importing half of the input file. If failure, then half of that. Etc.

    Finally, if you're able to create a redacted sample input file that fails to import we can take a look and help you find a solution to get it working.

    Please let us know how it goes and if you need any more help; we'll be here. :)

  • drtork
    Community Member

    I'm not sure how to do the first step in response #8. When I first tried an import, nothing imported. I opened the .csv file in Excel and edited the fields to the correct order and saved as an Excel .csv file. When I again attempted to open, only the first line imported, telling me there is a problem with recognizing a return to the next line. But I don't know how to add those line break characters.

  • drtork
    Community Member

    Never mind, I figured it out. Saved as an MS-DOS .csv file; imported perfectly!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drtork,

    I'm glad you were able to get your data perfectly imported after saving it in MS-DOS format with Excel. That's an alternative to using the LineBreak utility for doing line break conversion to CF+LF.

  • rgreenpc
    Community Member

    I imported manually... all 153. ;-)

  • ErikSwan
    Community Member

    Ok, I still can't figure this out. Things I have tried:

    • File is using CR+LF Windows format line breaks
    • Tried saving the file as UTF-8, without and without the BOM
    • Input columns are correctly ordered as title, domain, username, password, notes
    • Used a regex to go through and manually correct all fields with double quotes in them. I'll say that using another double quote is a really weird way to do this escaping, but whatever.

    When I import, I still get the same message: 0 items imported / 0 items failed. The 'show log' link gives me this:

    Beginning Import
    Collecting items to import

    Ermm... really helpful. I have nearly 200 items, so I do not want to have to import them manually. Ideas?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014

    Welcome back, @ErikSwan. :)

    I'm sorry 1Password is still failing to import your data exported from Dashlane. Have you tried importing a subset of items to see if that helps isolate where the trouble is when doing a full import, like what I suggested earlier in post #10?

  • ErikSwan
    Community Member

    Ok, I think I found the problem: in the middle of the CSV Dashlane was sticking a few bank/payment items in addition to the login items, and these did not have the correct number of fields. There were also a few cases where Dashlane was exporting both a username and email address on a login item, giving it 5 fields.

    I got it to successfully import 173 items, and it looks like everything made it over and the quote escaping worked correctly. It would be really nice if it would throw a more descriptive error on failure, though.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ErikSwan,

    That's excellent you were able to isolate and fix the problem with your CSV file to get it successfully imported!

    We do want to improve import error reporting, as Jamie mentioned:

    As some of you have noted, there isn't much communication between the script that parses your data and the Cocoa object that processes the results. It's basically a black box right now. I have some ideas for how to make this better. The Mac team is quite busy right now getting 4.2 finished up, but my desire is to work with one of those guys to add some more interactivity, some UI to determine fields' order in the CSV, etc.

    It is still on the agenda. :)

  • Jables
    Community Member

    Hi there,
    I'm going to piggyback on this thread to express my displeasure with AgileBits approach to importing data from Dashlane. It seems that you meet all requests for assistance with the same response, some version of, "you're going to have to do a bunch of work on your end to get our product to work for you."

    Well, I'd love to try out 1Password, because frankly, Dashlane isn't improving fast enough. But, AgileBits seems to refuse to recognize Dashlane's market share, and is putting the onus on the end-user to make the switch. Doesn't seem to be a historically effective position for companies to adopt in a crowded ecosystem.

    Even the little guys like KeePass can import from Dashlane; they are an open source project, just copy whatever they're doing!

  • alexanderbuck
    Community Member

    What Jables said. I left the farm to try Dashlane before 1P4 was released. Actually running both in parallel right now.

    I have some clients who are on Dashlane but like what they see in 1P4. Specifically: the ability to store files within 1Password4, and the high degree of customization.

    In another thread, I took the suggestion of saving the .csv exported from Dashlane as a windows .csv. This helped a lot, but there were still many entries with incorrect or missing user/pw/url info.

    Humble request for Agile Bits to create a smooth data import script/process that will bring everything over.

    Honestly, I think it would be a smart business move.

  • Justin Williams
    Justin Williams
    Community Member

    I found this to be frustrating as well. For what's it worth, I found a quickish solution. I imported my Dashlane information into Lastpass, then exported my Lastpass file into 1Password.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Justin,

    Thanks so much for sharing that workaround! It's certainly a bit wonky, but I'm so glad to hear that it got your data into 1Password. :)

This discussion has been closed.