Web Site does not accept Password Generator's password

Community Member

Lately (2-3 weeks maybe) I have tried to convert my old passwords to those generated by 1P4. Two web sites would not 'accept' the password. Let me define 'accept.' the PG would create and fill a new password. Probably intended this password in shown as a series of dots. I'd like that to be visible as an option since no one is looking over my shoulder. When I went back to login to that website, the website did not accept that new password. :-( My 'solution' was to copy the password BEFORE it was entered into the website, THEN filled the box. Upon return to the web site I PASTED the copied password. Everything seems to work. A bug may need the Orkin man.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Not actually a bug, I think. It's due to the mechanics of filling in when the password created by the generator is longer than what the site allows. Unfortunately, many sites don't warn that the password is too long.

    When you paste a too long password the extra characters just get omitted. But direct 1PW filling uses a different way. I expect someone from AgileBits can explain why what they do is better (or is required), which is why I say it isn't a bug.

    Generated passwords are saved for you by 1PW, and can be pasted when necessary.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2014

    Hi @HandyHank41‌

    I think that @danco is right here, it does sound like the sites you are having trouble with may have a hidden limit to how long the password can be. Sometimes the site has an invisible cap on what length of password can be typed into a field. If you were to type in a password that is longer than allowed, you'll notice that once you hit the limit, the site doesn't log the extra characters as you type them. Somehow 'Fill' gets around this. The details of this can be different for each site, as it depends on how the site is coded. The solution though is to determine what the password limit for the site is and to craft a password that fits those limits.

    Probably intended this password in shown as a series of dots. I'd like that to be visible as an option since no one is looking over my shoulder.

    In the 'View' menu, you can un-check the 'Conceal Passwords' option to view your passwords in plain text; the Control_Command-P keyboard shortcut is handy for toggling it.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns!

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