How to uninstall 1Password 4?

Community Member
edited August 2014 in Mac

I am running version 4 on OS X Mavericks with Safari. How do I completely uninstall it?


  • Jasper
    edited August 2014

    Hi @nmregan,

    Here's how to uninstall 1Password 4:

    Please note this will permanently delete any data you have saved in 1Password.

    • In 1Password, choose 1Password > Preferences in the menu bar, select the General tab, and make sure the Always keep 1Password mini running option is disabled.

    • Close the preferences pane, and press ^⌘Q to quit 1Password and 1Password mini.

    If you use the Mac App Store version:

    • Open a Finder window, and choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G).
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Containers/
    • Locate the folder named, and move it to the trash.
    • Open your Applications folder, and delete the 1Password app.
    • Empty the trash and restart your Mac.

    If you use the AgileBits store version:

    • Open a Finder window, and choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G).
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Application Support/
    • Locate the folder named 1Password 4, and move it to the trash.
    • Still in Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder (or press ⇧⌘G) again.
    • Copy the following text (including the leading “~”), paste it into the Go to Folder dialog, and click the Go button: ~/Library/Preferences/
    • Locate the file named, and move it to the trash.
    • Locate the file named com.agilebits.onepassword4.plist, and move it to the trash.
    • Open your Applications folder, and delete the 1Password 4 app.
    • Empty the trash and restart your Mac.
  • i24teen
    Community Member

    Close, but no my question. I am currently using 1Password 4 and would like to uninstall my old 1 Password 3 WITHOUT messing up 1Password 4. Suggestions?

  • Hi @i24teen,

    To Uninstall 1Password 3, I recommend doing the following.

    • Go to Finder and choose Go > Go to Folder… and enter ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • Delete ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist
    • Choose Go > Go to Folder… and enter ~/Library/Application Support/1Password
    • Delete the Agent folder
    • Trash the 1Password 3 application
    • Restart your Mac

    That will remove all the functional parts of 1Password 3, without endangering your 1Password 4 installation.

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