MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility (mrc-converter-suite)



  • aledmunds
    Community Member

    Hi MrC ...

    Firstly, awesome for writing this script if I can get it working ... secondly, I seem to be suffering the common "Can't locate Utils/ error."

    My environment is Windows 10 and eWallet 8.3. I'm reasonably savvy technically ... but seem to be having a few issues here.

    One thing that would make life much easier would be a step by step windows process ... including the path that should be displayed on the CMD window at every step.

    From what I've read through the whole forum, it seems to be a path issue, not anything else.

    So I followed your steps intricately to the letter. Including installing and removing perl twice and the same with the converter.

    To confirm:

    I have the folder "convert_to_1p4" on my desktop
    - btw the "install_modules.bat" file is missing when you follow the instructions exactly because it isn't in the "convert_to_1p4" folder in the zip file but in the root of the file. I moved this over too (extra step missing in doc).

    Then I saved my ewallet as a txt file and it sits directly on the desktop.

    Then I followed your perl extraction to the letter ... it sits in the "C:\myperl" folder.

    I ran the "C:\myperl\portableshell.bat" from the windows search. It opened and showed this

    Welcome to Strawberry Perl Portable Edition!
    * URL -

    * see README.TXT for more info

    Perl executable: C:\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe

    Perl version : 5.26.0 / MSWin32-x64-multi-thread

    Command Prompt was set at "C:\WINDOWS\system32>"

    When I ran it the first time I believe the Command Prompt was set at "C:\myperl>"

    I then ran the following ...


    It responded with ... (first time it did a lengthy bit of work as the strawberry stuff did it's thing)

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo cpan Text::CSV XML::XPath RTF::Tokenizer Date::Calc
    cpan Text::CSV XML::XPath RTF::Tokenizer Date::Calc

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>cpan Text::CSV XML::XPath RTF::Tokenizer Date::Calc
    Loading internal null logger. Install Log::Log4perl for logging messages
    CPAN: CPAN::SQLite loaded ok (v0.211)
    Database was generated on Fri, 16 Jun 2017 02:40:56 GMT

    CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20170530)
    Text::CSV is up to date (1.95).
    XML::XPath is up to date (1.40).
    RTF::Tokenizer is up to date (1.20).
    Date::Calc is up to date (6.4).


    Clearly the path isn't set to where it needs to point ... hence my note at the top ... so I tried two things ...

    I tried running both the following .....

    C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl ewallet -v ..\andreswallet.txt
    Can't locate Utils/ in @INC (you may need to install the Utils::PIF module) (@INC contains: C:/myperl/perl/site/lib C:/myperl/perl/vendor/lib C:/myperl/perl/lib) at line 15.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.

    and ...

    C:\Users\Dell\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>C:\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe ewallet -v ..\andreswallet.txt
    Can't locate Utils/ in @INC (you may need to install the Utils::PIF module) (@INC contains: C:/myperl/perl/site/lib C:/myperl/perl/vendor/lib C:/myperl/perl/lib) at line 15.

    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.

    Same error ... so I'm figuring something is amiss which isn't the perl script?

    Your help much appreciated.

    What would be really superb is a step by step ...with confirmation of path and variables being set and command prompt status and directory required for the next command. - if it's an environment issue of course.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @aledmunds ,

    If the scripting isn't finding the Utils\ file, its because either a) you're not in the correct directory, or b) the required files / folders are not in that directory.

    Would you like some quick remote assistance? If so, shoot me an email. It's at the top of the script, which you can open with a text editor. I'll send you back instructions for us to connect.

  • aledmunds
    Community Member

    @mrc sent you an email ... cheers!

  • aledmunds
    Community Member

    GENIUS ... thanks for your help @mrc ... above and beyond the call of duty ... and so pleased it wasn't me but the new PERL version. Stick to the old version guys until MrC has fixed it.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2017

    The problem @aledmunds was facing was a new one for me - he was the first to encounter it. The new Strawberry Perl version 5.26 made a major change - it no longer looks in the local folder for modules to use. Thus, could not find the required modules!

    For now, Windows users, use Strawberry Perl 5.24 or earlier (and not 5.26). I'll make changes to the code to allow 5.26 to work.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Hi. I have a problem with the converter. When I use the Apple Script Conversion Helper and choose Keeper, I get 0 as a result. Not the 200+ that I expected. I tried with the .txt aswell as a .csv.
    I use MacOS Sierra.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    HI @Tomas_A,

    Can you tell me which exact name and version of old password manager you have (you say "keeper").

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    The password manager is called Keeper Password Manager &Digital Vault, I guess it is the one you call Keeper Desktop, and the version is 10.7.0.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2017

    @Tomas_A ,

    It looks like Keeper Desktop version 10 has changed its export format. I'll have to update the converter to accommodate this. I'll start looking at it sometime today.

    If you cannot wait, or want to try a conversion now, you could use the generic csv converter in the converter suite. Backup the Keeper data as a Text file, and open that text file with a spreadsheet. Label the columns as per the csv instructions in the README.pdf. Be sure to use version 1.10 of the suite in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first thread of the converter suite.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Hi. I can wait. I tried the csv-converter and that gave the same problems.
    Great that you do this work.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    The CSV conversion works fine, I just tried it.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Ok, I must do something wrong then. I save the keeper.txt as a csv (tried both Numbers and LibreOffice), and I get this:

    And there I don't write anything, just click to convert.
    Then I get this:

    I can't find any info on where I go wrong in the readme either.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Tomas_A ,

    You have to add column names, as per the README.pdf:

    It's easiest to do this with a local spreadsheet program, and re-save/re-export as CSV.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    I added the column names and saved as a csv-file, using Numbers. Am I supposed to put something in that place:

    I still get:

    My column names are:

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Ok, this is weird.
    After trying NOT to use your converter, but adding "xxx" to the empty slots in "Notes" I imported directly to 1Password, and actually got something. Hopefully it is complete.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2017

    @Tomas_A ,

    No, entering additional options here are optional.

    Are you using the 1.10 version of the converter suite in Testing Bits?

    Here is a sample file you can try:

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Well. I got it imported directly, but all of the tables were imported in the wrong way. Passwords as URL, username as password etcetera.
    I'll try your sample file and hope for the best :)

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Nope, no change. get the same errors. Well, at least "we" (You mainly) tried.
    Thanks anyway-but I guess I'm stuck with Keeper Desktop for now.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Tomas_A ,

    Sorry this has been so troublesome for you.

    You haven't answered my question - which version of the converter suite are you using? Where did you get it from?

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Oh sorry, I forgot. Lats time I tried the version you linked to above.
    No, it's no trouble, I am very grateful that you take the time to assist.
    However I have a trial version of 1Password and at the moment it seems I just have to drop it since the import does not work.
    I've also tried to convert to csv with LibreOffice instead of Numbers, but no chnge.
    But at least I guess the CSV is correct now.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Tomas_A ,

    Would you like some remote help? It will be safe and secure. Send me an email message if you do - my email is at the top of the script. I'll send you instructions., and it will just take a minute or two.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Yes please, if you have the time.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Tomas_A ,

    Ok, I'll await your email and will reply as soon as I receive it. We can summarize when done here later.

  • Tomas_A
    Community Member

    Hi there MrC and all.
    Thanks to MrC it now works. Seems that my csv-save in Numbers by some reason saved as semicolon. After replacing all semicolons with comma in texteditor it worked.
    Note to others: check out what default your version of Numbers has.
    Am very grateful to you, now a cup of coffee and an hour to doublecheck the import.

  • jerry_3105
    Community Member

    Hi, I'm giving 1Password a try before I deploy it for company-wide use.

    I have a Keepass export that I need to pull into 1Password, however whenever trying to run, even just testing it out with --help, gives me the following error:

    C:\Users\jerry_3105\Desktop\convert_to_1p4>perl --help
    Can't locate Utils/ in @INC (you may need to install the Utils::PIF module) (@INC contains: C:/myperl/perl/site/lib C:/myperl/perl/vendor/lib C:/myperl/perl/lib) at line 15.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 15.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Best Regards,

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @jerry_3105 ,

    I'm betting you are using the 5.26 version of Strawberry Perl. Use the 5.24 version. See the bottom note in the first post of the converter suite thread. Also, use the 1.10 version of the converter in Testing Bits.

  • jerry_3105
    Community Member

    Thanks MrC. Using 5.24 fixed it. Now I'll try to convert the keepass data.
    Keepass exported my data in .html format, would I be able to convert it?


  • jerry_3105
    Community Member

    Well, I managed to convert and import using an .xml export from Keepass2.

    Thank you MrC!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Perfect, @jerry_3105, XML was the correct export format to use.

    Enjoy 1Password!

  • TilRoquette
    Community Member
    edited July 2017

    Hi MrC,

    thanks for providing convert_to_1p4 to the comunity.

    I was trying to convert my data from mSecure to 1password 6.6.439d. However, I did not success.

    The problem ist: With each and every data set your script gives the following warning

    "Renamed card type '[type]' is not a default type, and is being mapped to Secure Notes" (except for Frequent Flyer Numers)

    Looks like the script does not support mSecure's default types, which are:

    [... from which I only need:

    • Login
    • Credit Card
    • Bank Account
    • E-Mail Accounts
    • Frequent Flyer Numbers
    • Memberships
    • Registration Codes
    • Calling Card
    • Secure Note]

    A single data set looks like this:

    Geschäftlich,login,1&1 Hompage,"Unified Messaging Fax-Nummer: +4932121429197, geht an\n",,???????,???????,,

    which are the following fields: group,type,name,"note",URL,user,password.

    Also, when I try to use the switch -l de (for German), I get the error message "Unable to open localization strings file: /Applications/"

    What's going wrong here?

    ref: MJL-15727-457

This discussion has been closed.