Dropbox sync not working between Windows desktop and laptop


I had been using Dropbox to sync, and it doesn't seem to be working. I went through Help and didn't see a Sync tab in Preferences. Not sure what to do now.


  • rob
    edited November 2014

    Hi, @gstettner‌. Are you using Windows on both your desktop and laptop? If so, there is no Sync tab. You can simply store your 1Password.agilekeychain file inside Dropbox and open it in 1Password on each computer where you have Dropbox installed.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    simply store your 1Password.agilekeychain file inside Dropbox

    On the General tab of 1Password for Windows preferences, there's a Move to Dropbox button for that precise purpose.


    • If your 1Password data—all your Logins and other saved items—is already on one computer and not on the other, then (1) click the Move to Dropbox button on the computer with the complete vault, (2) note the full path of the newly moved .agilekeychain folder, (3) launch 1Password on the other computer, (4) choose File > Open 1Password Vault, and (5) select the same .agilekeychain folder.

    • If your 1Password data is partially on one computer and partially on the other, please let us know, because we'll need to help you "merge" the two vaults by a different method.

    Be sure you're reading the right user's guide. Each program has it's own, accessible from the Help menu and in the Support area of our web site.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    @mfsaltz‌, please see this thread in the 1Password for Android forum.

This discussion has been closed.