Shared Computer

Community Member

Wife and i share an iMac with separate sign on passwords. Trying to get 1Password 5(license from App Store) to let her access 1Password from her side. Trouble is 1Password does not see where I have "Backups" saved. Both our iPhones 5s and our iPad are all up and running through "DropBox" sync. Just getting her side to open and let her start saving her info to same vault is our problem


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @541678‌

    So just to confirm, you're running separate user accounts on a single iMac and you want to share the single primary vault that is in your user account and already synced to Dropbox and your iOS devices.

    Have you installed and set up Dropbox on your wife's account like you have on yours? Dropbox is per user so you wouldn't be able to see your Dropbox from her account unless you do (set it up). Once you've done that it should just be like Getting started again on a new computer and selecting Dropbox as the source (if 1Password doesn't do so automatically).

    If I've misunderstood anything please do let us know.

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