Exactly what do I need to do to launch 1Password on my WIN 8.1 machine?


I printed out the knowledgebase, but the user guide does not seem to be in pdf format. I am elderly, but if I am to communicate with my daughter I need to do this now.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Well, first, there's a Download as PDF button at the bottom of the "table of contents" for the user's guide:

    Make sure you're looking at the right user's guide by choosing Help > 1Password User's Guide from within the main 1Password program:

    The first section listed in the table of contents is "Quick Start," and it contains the minimum information you need to know, in order to set up 1Password and start enjoying its benefits. You'll find more helpful information in the rest of the user's guide, of course, especially as you start to use it.

    The knowledgebase, accessible from the "Learn more" article near the bottom of the table of contents, contains troubleshooting tips, answers to common questions, and general educational material for 1Password 4 for Windows. Be sure you're reading the correct knowledgebase, as well.

    Finally, this forum is where to come whenever you have a question about a specific aspect of using 1Password.

    That said, if you have the main 1Password program installed on your computer, you're well on your way!

    Let us know how we can help, @dianess‌.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    One more thing, @dianess: I see you're using Windows 8.1, so make sure you're running 1Password in desktop mode, not in modern mode (a.k.a. metro or app mode).

    In other words, Windows needs to look like this:

    ...not like this:

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