Everything syncs but my Master Password?

Community Member

Hi folks, been enjoying the heck out of 1Password between my iPhone, iPad and new Mac.

Had some syncing trouble a few months back, and AgileBits support did an awesome job getting everything working between the iPhone, iPad and my previous Windows box.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to change my Master Password. I changed it from the Mac. Unfortunately, I haven't succeeded in seeing it work on the iPad or iPhone - 1Password app still unlocks with the old Master Password on the iPad.

To confirm that sync is still working between all the devices, I created a new Secure Note on one device, then edited it from the other two. Added one line of text on the Mac, saw that line of text on the iPhone. Added a line of text from the iPhone, saw both lines on the iPad. Saw both lines on the iPad, added another line on the iPad. Saw all three lines on the Mac.

Sync is being performed over Dropbox.

1Password versions:
Mac: 5.3 BETA-13
iPhone: 5.2
iPad: 5.2

I'm still only using a single Vault (the same one) on any of the devices.

I have confirmed that I cannot unlock the Vault on the Mac with the old Master Password.

Each device has the same count of items (which was a leading indicator in my last sync issue), 269 (including the new Secure Note that I'd added for testing).

Does anyone know what I need to do to get the Master Password to lock and unlock the sync'ed vault with the new Master Password on all three devices?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MikeTheCanuck,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with this! Thanks for letting us know what you've tried. Since your other changes are syncing, but not the new master password, please follow these steps on each iOS device:

    • Unlock 1Password on your iOS device with the old master password
    • Allow Dropbox sync to complete
    • Once the sync is complete, go to Settings > Security > Lock Now
    • Try to unlock 1Password with the new master password

    Does it accept the new master password? Let us know how it goes, thanks!

  • MikeTheCanuck
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG - thanks for the idea.

    Followed that procedure on my iPhone - even tapped the Sync Now button, saw it show last synced "1 second ago", then went to Lock Now and tried to unlock again.

    Still accepting my old Master Password on the iPhone. It's like it isn't syncing, but the fact I could get the Secure Note changes both in and out of the iphone sounds like it does sync too. Is this a Schrödinger's Cat problem - both syncing and not syncing at the same time?

    That makes me wonder if the Master Password is truly used to unlock the encryption/decryption key for all my passwords - and yet I've read the blogs, I can see all the signs that you're properly engineering crypto in this technology. Just mystifying...

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MikeTheCanuck,

    This is annoying because we thought we'd fixed a bunch of these bugs in the latest releases for Mac and iOS. When I say annoying I do mean that you're compelled to write in at all and that it isn't just working for you. I am sorry.

    Can you check something out for me please. As you're using Dropbox can you see if the old and/or new Master Password work when you use 1PasswordAnywhere. If only the new works we know the keys have been encrypted with the new Master Password indicating that the 1Password for iOS isn't picking it up. If only the old one works then that would suggest that 1Password for Mac isn't writing it to Dropbox. Obviously either is not acceptable but the more information we can gather now with your assistance the better the chance we can resolve this fast (hopefully!).

  • MikeTheCanuck
    Community Member

    Hi @littlebobbytables, great reminder - sorry that I forgot to check the 1PasswordAnywhere route.

    Result: the new Master Password is the one that unlocks 1PasswordAnywhere.

    In case it helps, I've sent the diagnostics report from the iPhone and the iPad.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2015

    That's prefect @MikeTheCanuck, in fact that was going to be my next request so you beat me to it. It seems one of our other team members also beat me finding your diagnostic reports too so their reply might not make a lot of sense (they hadn't linked it to this thread at that point).

    As we're taking this to email I'm going to close this thread simply so we keep one route of communication. That way we can avoid any duplication or confusion by cross-talk.

    ref: DPP-52575-453 & ref: OPI-2364

This discussion has been closed.