Feature request: Default username

Community Member

First, I just want to say how much I love 1Password. It's easily the most helpful app I have. I am especially grateful for the new TOTP functionality and 1Password extension for iOS,

It would be great to have the username field auto-populated to my email address when creating a new login.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @emes,

    We could generalise that a little and have a setting for the default username. It starts off blank (which would replicate the current behaviour) and then populates it otherwise with whatever the user has set it to which for you could be your email address. For that to work though I think we'd need to add the small cancel button (the little cross in a grey filled circle) to the new Login Creator which already has an arrow button on that line to proceed to the next step. I'll add the feature request and see what the dev team think in terms of making it fit on the screen. I'm just thinking if we didn't have the clear button you'd have to go through the extra steps of selecting the entire field to remove it which might get annoying for the times you don't want the default you set up.

  • emes
    Community Member

    I know I posted this in the iOS discussion but think it's equally applicable to desktop app, although the benefit is more noticeable on mobile.

    I agree with your generalization.

    Couldn't you auto-populate the field and then erase if the field gets touched (or auto-populate and pre-select, which would do the same). That way you could avoid the need for the clear button.

  • Hi @emes ,

    That is technically possible. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll submit it to the development team for consideration. While I can't promise you when/if the suggestion will be implemented, we will certainly consider it.


    ref: OPI-2395

  • johnnygoodface
    Community Member

    Oh Yes that would be VERY andy! Please! Please! Please!

  • Ben

    Thanks for the feedback. :)

This discussion has been closed.