Need a SafeWallet XML conversion

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This discussion was created from comments split from: 1Password-4 on OSX 10.5.8 installs and opens but all options are greyed out.


  • SAF
    Community Member


    How can I import data in the XML format? I'm surprised that such an expensive software does not support XML. SafeWallet exports data in XML format, but 1Password can't import in XML???

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SAF,

    @MrC has done some amazing work and has created a convertor which you can learn more about in the thread, MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility. It works with SafeWallet and will convert your file into a .1pif file which is a JSON formatted file that we can work with. MrC isn't a member of AgileBits but is an unquestionably hardworking and dedicated fan of 1Password and always seems to be willing to help those using his handiwork. Hopefully that will help you import your XML into 1Password :smile:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @SAF,

    The converter should work just fine for your SafeWallet XML export. Give it a shot, and ask for help if you need it.

    I'm going to split your post from this one since your topic is different than that being discussed in this current thread.

  • SAF
    Community Member

    Please stop defending the shortcomings of such an expensive software. All this functionality should be built in 1Password. I bought the software from you, not MrC. I don't even who MrC is! Why should I use his converters???

    BTW, I managed to convert using external converters, but it was very complicated and time consuming. An average user will find it very difficult, as you have know IT well to use them.

    For a $50 software, this is big shortcoming indeed!!!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @SAF - it sounds like you now have your data converted and imported into 1Password. That's great news.

    I don't believe that AgileBits expects anyone to use the converters I've created. I created these to help folks like yourself (and my mom, other family members, and friends) get data from other password managers into 1Password. I don't know who you are either, and don't expect the converters are the right tool for you. Rather, they are just one of the ways to import, which you and anyone are free to use if they help you get your job done. In the end, that's what its about.

    You asked for "XML" import capability. However, that's only one part of the equation. XML is just a means to organize field / value pairs, in a structured hierarchy. It does not define any meaning to those fields (there are no semantics to the data). A 1Password importer would have to be taught about the meaning of each password manager's XML structure (and many password managers - perhaps most - do not export XML, by the way). I can tell you with authority on the subject, this is a lot of work, as there are many password managers in existence on OS X, Windows, IOS and Android, and would undoubtedly raise the price beyond the $50 that you already consider as expensive. So I wonder if you'd have been willing to spend $60 instead to have a built-in converter, something that you use just once? I'm guessing there would be lost customers as the price increases.

    This is not meant to be a defense of the choices AgileBits has made - rather just one possible explanation about why things are as they are.

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