Inconsistency of field name Website vs. Webseite (German version)

Community Member

As a minor but annoying glitch, the recent version of 1PW mixes field names 'Website' and 'Webseite' in the German version. I noticed that recently, without being sure when the issue came in.

Some of my existing logins still had the website field listed as 'Website', whereas others had it changed to 'Webseite' (the alleged German translation). When defining a new login object, the default is 'Webseite' in the recent OS X version. However, existing login objects that still had 'Website' listed would now also suggest 'Webseite 2' if adding a second website entry.

On the other hand, when defining a new software license object, the default term is still 'Website'. Use of that term is therefore inconsistent throughout the software.

My personal preference would be 'Website', even though it may be considered an Anglicism.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @zenetti,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Are you a member of our CrowdIn Project? All translations are crowd-sourced, and it looks to me like German is currently sitting at about 93%. We'd love your help in polishing up the final details. :)

  • zenetti
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,

    no, I'm not a member of the CrowdIn Project. I just recognized the Webs(e)ite glitch/inconsistency. Let me see whether I may provide partial help to the final 10% at

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, we appreciate your help with that! Our translations are handled primarily by users who volunteer to help, since we don't have native speakers on staff for every language we support. If you're able to update the translations, we and our users will be very grateful that you took the time to help.

    If you need anything else, please let us know! :)

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