Once again, iOS isn't syncing via iCloud

Community Member

I have a Mac, iPhone, and iPad. The Mac and the iPhone sync fine. The iPad claims to be syncing, but is very out of date. Everyone's running the absolute latest release versions of all software.


  • JetForMe
    Community Member

    I just deleted and re-installed 1P on the iPad (it was the only way I could seem to get it to attempt to wipe and re-sync its local copy). It STILL has the old data. I've verified that my iPhone indeed does have the new data (it even has the new passwords I just generated a few minutes ago). My iCloud login is the same on all three devices.

  • JetForMe
    Community Member

    Oh. NVM. the other two are syncing with Dropbox. The iPad is syncing with iCloud. This must be because your iCloud sync was broken and I had to switch to drop box. Have you fixed iCloud sync? I don't want to deal with dropbox on the iPad.

  • Ben

    Hi @JetForMe,

    iCloud sync should work just fine, but I'm a bit curious as to why you'd switch if Dropbox is working? Dropbox actually has better 1Password compatibility as it works across more (all) of our supported platforms, and supports syncing multiple vaults. iCloud can only sync the primary vault, and only works on Macs and iOS devices.

    You don't have to share your reasoning, of course, just curious.

    If you do decide to switch back to iCloud and have any trouble please let me know. You may want to clear the old sync data out of iCloud before switching back over:

    iOS: https://support.1password.com/icloud-remove-data/ios.html
    Mac: https://support.1password.com/icloud-remove-data/mac.html



  • JetForMe
    Community Member

    Dropbox means keeping my password file on Dropbox, which I don't trust as much as iCloud. It also means having to log into dropbox on all my devices. I only use Apple devices, so I have no need for more compatibility. Logging in to DropBox manually is a pain because of 2FA and the long cryptic password that I store in 1P.

  • JetForMe
    Community Member

    I have to log into iCloud on all my devices, I'd rather use that. And no, iCloud sync doesn't work "just fine" (or at least, it didn't), or I wouldn't have switched back to dropbox.

  • Ben

    Let me know if you have any trouble and we'll be happy to help. :)

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Just to be sure, is your Mac 1PW the version from the Mac App Store? Due to restrictions by Apple, the version from AgileBits cannot use iCloud sync.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JetForMe,

    I just wanted to quickly add that, to the best of my knowledge, we're not currently tracking any iCloud specific issues in 1Password. That isn't to say iCloud doesn't have its quirks - far from it but the current version of iCloud is still fairly new and I believe Apple are trying to work out a number of issues.

    One I know we've come across a couple of times is where when we query the CloudKit framework and it reports that iCloud Drive isn't enabled even though it is. It's annoying because we haven't found a solid fix but our hands our somewhat tied if the CloudKit framework says "no".

    When iCloud is behaving the sync process seems to work just as it does with Dropbox. I do realise that's not an awful lot of consolation though.

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