Outlook Web App – fields not detected

Charles Butcher
Charles Butcher
Community Member
edited May 2015 in 1Password in the Browser

I'd like to re-open a previous discussion from last August about 1Password not filling some form fields in Outlook Web App. It looks like this was never resolved, and I can't be the only person to have problems as a result.

The login screen I'm looking at has two text fields ()username and password), a checkbox ("use the light version of the app"), and a pair of radio buttons to choose between a public or a private computer. Luckily for me the checkbox always comes up unchecked (other users seem to have reported differently). But the radio buttons are always set to "public", when what I need is "private" (allowing mail attachments to be downloaded).

I've tried saving a new login manually, but the "show web form details" button reveals that 1Password is saving only the username and password.

I'm using 1Password 5.3.1 with the 4.3.1 extension in Safari, on a Mac mini running OS 10.10.3.

The source of the form is below. A fix would be very welcome.

<form action="/owa/auth.owa" method="POST" name="logonForm" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="destination" value="https://rvmail.accessintel.com/owa/">
<input type="hidden" name="flags" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="forcedownlevel" value="0">
<table align="center" id="tblMain" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td colspan="3">
            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tblLgn">
                <td class="lgnTL"><img src="/owa/14.2.309.2/themes/resources/lgntopl.gif" alt=""></td>
                <td class="lgnTM"></td>
                <td class="lgnTR"><img src="/owa/14.2.309.2/themes/resources/lgntopr.gif" alt=""></td>
        <td id="mdLft">&nbsp;</td>
        <td id="mdMid">
            <table id="tblMid" class="mid">
                    <td id="expltxt" class="expl">

                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <col class="w100">
                        </colgroup><tbody><tr id="trSec">
                            <td colspan="2">
                                    <a href="#" id="lnkShwSec" onclick="clkExp('lnkShwSec')" checklongurl="true">
                                    show explanation
                                    <a href="#" id="lnkHdSec" onclick="clkExp('lnkHdSec')" style="display:none" checklongurl="true">
                                    hide explanation
                            <td><input id="rdoPblc" type="radio" name="trusted" value="0" class="rdo" onclick="clkSec()" checked=""></td>
                            <td><label for="rdoPblc">This is a public or shared computer</label></td>
                        <tr id="trPubExp" class="expl" style="display:none">
                            <td>Select this option if you use Outlook Web App on a public computer. Be sure to sign out when you've finished and close all windows to end your session.</td>
                            <td><input id="rdoPrvt" type="radio" name="trusted" value="4" class="rdo" onclick="clkSec()"></td>
                            <td><label for="rdoPrvt">This is a private computer</label></td>
                        <tr id="trPrvtExp" class="expl" style="display:none">
                            <td>Select this option if you're the only person who uses this computer. Your server will allow a longer period of inactivity before signing you out.</td>
                        <tr id="trPrvtWrn" class="wrng" style="">
                            <td>Warning:  By selecting this option, you confirm that this computer complies with your organization's security policy.</td>


                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                            <col class="w100">

                                    <td><input id="chkBsc" type="checkbox" class="rdo" onclick="clkBsc();"></td>
                                    <td nowrap=""><label for="chkBsc">Use the light version of Outlook Web App</label></td>
                                <tr id="trBscExp" class="disBsc" style="display:none">
                                    <td>The light version of Outlook Web App includes fewer features. Use it if you're on a slow connection or using a computer with unusually strict browser security settings. We also support the full Outlook Web App experience on some browsers on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. To check out all the supported browsers and operating systems, <a href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=129362" id="bscLnk" checklongurl="true">click here.</a></td>


                        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                            <colgroup><col class="nowrap">
                            <col class="w100">
                                <td nowrap=""><label for="username">User name:</label></td>
                                <td class="txtpad"><input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="txt"></td>
                                <td nowrap=""><label for="password">Password:</label></td>
                                <td class="txtpad"><input id="password" name="password" type="password" class="txt" onfocus="g_fFcs=0"></td>
                                <td colspan="2" align="right" class="txtpad">

                                    <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Sign in" onclick="clkLgn()" onmouseover="this.className='btnOnMseOvr'" onmouseout="this.className='btn'" onmousedown="this.className='btnOnMseDwn'">

                                    <input name="isUtf8" type="hidden" value="1">

            <table id="tblMid2" class="mid" style="display:none">
                    <td><br>Please enable cookies for this Web site.<br><br>Cookies are currently disabled by your browser. Outlook Web App requires that cookies be enabled. <br><br>For information about how to enable cookies, see the Help for your Web browser.<br><br><br></td>
                    <td align="right" class="txtpad">

                        <input type="button" class="btn" style="float: right" value="Retry" onclick="clkRtry()" onmouseover="this.className='btnOnMseOvr'" onmouseout="this.className='btn'" onmousedown="this.className='btnOnMseDwn'">

            <table class="mid tblConn">
                    <td rowspan="2" align="right" class="tdConnImg"><img style="vertical-align:top" src="/owa/14.2.309.2/themes/resources/lgnexlogo.gif" alt=""></td>
                    <td class="tdConn">Connected to Microsoft Exchange</td>
                    <td class="tdCopy">© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</td>
        <td id="mdRt">&nbsp;</td>
        <td colspan="3">
            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tblLgn">
                <td class="lgnBL"><img src="/owa/14.2.309.2/themes/resources/lgnbotl.gif" alt=""></td>
                <td class="lgnBM"></td>
                <td class="lgnBR"><img src="/owa/14.2.309.2/themes/resources/lgnbotr.gif" alt=""></td>


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2015

    @Charles Butcher: Thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry for the trouble!

    Weirdly, my wife and I both have Outlook accounts that we've used over the years and we haven't had any issues, regardless of the browser or platform (which is always a disappointment since they aren't accounts we use by choice!)

    I see that the previous discussion was resolved by creating a new login without 1Password saving the form, but I know that mine wasn't created in that fashion. Definitely give that a try. But I think that the issue you're having is something else entirely.

    We're currently aware of a bug affecting radio buttons in the browser extensions, which results in the wrong one being selected if the state of all of them was not saved properly. In the mean time you can try the above method to recreate the login, or paste this into 1Password and add your credentials:

    {"sectionName":"S","details":{"fields":[{"type":"R","name":"trusted","value":"0"},{"type":"R","name":"trusted","value":"4"},{"type":"C","name":"","value":""},{"value":"USER@DOMAIN","type":"T","name":"username","designation":"username"},{"value":"PASSWORD","type":"P","name":"password","designation":"password"},{"type":"T","name":"","value":"Sign in"},{"type":"B","name":"","value":"Retry"}],"backupKeys":["l9Tp4PRx5QIYRjUP\/cjbSERR0wxfxS9ubyQZX3rnKHA+O3ml8gB4ktn9v\/qS622BDZd9oJ8EFNU0ogmIrGP+Ug==","pbmFGB7AJONdxtXLkbOeqlO5xuQ0o71yJWjMHUUYRdpVFS7kzm+fFDqZtq1nqSFw8ZvVedmRzWI9vuSVMW3eGg==","+pLUB2juewz+P3B\/1hlKMKYmd1\/qu3\/laLgyVPZGTyiNASP4vOUckxuFroKvQa5qwsSDKJhKTjutk9o11dpJlQ==","012X0SdVgdTpFcB9pO3zIknZ3mv2gNlZFXr6XRywXENCDnIfVoKug1g2WZfnIMPMrDnn5q4CfeIc\/zDRuicG1g==","A6hArMzcSKCIR4Y5zPzaOKUV63n\/7tT38YtU\/CfxxtQiwlLOsvl729lU6HCZ8JL8slMRClhWrEkHbWIFBUmxNQ==","aMAJ+vzKv2l4AMkjuQUlowQD049O6SXSCB0XvuhT1FxgpxYlrnyoS\/IFFUoVaY1rqT97iUIR6kI1GxCi\/1FGPA==","W\/fH+g\/8jHmqyXKjzTK71LTOAAiIVor4e0prQ+nL2uhSjOPp9n4UnNis9ZiCJeyOGfjfH7GemYzgsCSrrPNtsQ==","2YLorzw2KwCedMwvyAST9C6pVkY1lnoBMuG631f24bdqgTcIduuhfqmmliPxy2tHXg5R051LJeKUkcftNPx58g==","J52YUIUQzXDGRgoOdHuuvIlKPbrmw2NeMqAmt4OQ9rNTom18CAWNuEMNkHVDw1gj5jSQ141Mal51TNEw6ipdvA==","8qgIj7Qjbf7eCywprLAYDB6AIzGC09WHpUOjPvELoXDf3HGTp7FRm5GlGCbLEPJt8SxjVseRk7TsVyOfia7SKw==","MjC\/ZNYzgkrFf\/nhD0nb5cvVJAZtrAX2Y5zK4R7xGikSzcMbLDsofrFKoW+74YBAdP5kSVYfMiFGJh9lPRmyTA==","toVZNz7BuGe5yE8vpkGfoHln8BKIHwtIEk1TBMpR99foU7USYhwIM1SNaXoo6T2lxOCZ5\/3h\/amMP543J4EaHw=="],"notesPlain":"email","passwordHistory":[{"value":"OLDPASSWORD","time":1400195591},{"value":"OLDPASSWORD","time":1415228797},{"value":"OLDPASSWORD","time":1422912829}],"htmlForm":{"htmlName":"logonForm","htmlAction":"https:\/\/webmail.outlook.com\/owa\/auth.owa","htmlMethod":"POST"}},"scope":"Regular","uuid":"59E2C9922BB6D7183EC1C5D0ADEF58F7","updatedAt":1422912830,"createdAt":1385999320,"categoryUUID":"001","overview":{"title":"Outlook","url":"https:\/\/webmail.outlook.com","ainfo":"USER@DOMAIN","ps":60},"URLs":[{"overview":{"url":"https:\/\/webmail.outlook.com"}},{"overview":{"url":"https:\/\/webmail.outlook.com\/owa\/auth\/logon.aspx?replaceCurrent=1&url=https%3a%2f%2fwebmail.outlook.com%2fowa%2f"}}]}

    Just use File > New Item from Clipboard to add it.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know what you find!

    ref: OPX-953

  • Charles Butcher
    Charles Butcher
    Community Member

    Thanks, brenty. Your code snippet has got the radio buttons working, so that "This is a private computer" is always selected. That was what I wanted, so I'm grateful.

    But I'm still puzzled. I can see that you added a field of type R(adio) with the value trusted. So why does this not show up in the list of form fields when I edit the login in 1Password? Is there a cunning programmer's way to show or edit radio buttons, or to add them to an existing login?

    And why can't I get the checkbox for "Use the light version…" to work? (Not that I need it, but I'm curious). There's a checkbox in the list of 1Password fields, so I named it chkBsc (to match the source code I quoted above) and set it to checked. But when I tell 1Password to fill in the form, the checkbox is unchecked.

    Very best, Charles

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Charles Butcher,

    I found the easiest way to get the Use the light version of Outlook Web App checkbox to work was to take @brenty's JSON and replace the part {"type":"C","name":"","value":""} with {"value":"✓","id":"chkBsc;opid=__5","name":"","type":"C"}. If you want it disabled you can alter the "value":"✓" to "value":"" but either way, at that point it's configurable from the proper edit screen in 1Password.

    You shouldn't have to go through any of this and it's definitely a blip we need to iron out of the new filling logic. It's not about being cunning, it's about a resolution on our part. Hopefully we'll be behind this soon enough :smile:

  • Charles Butcher
    Charles Butcher
    Community Member

    Thank you @littlebobbytables. As I said, the checkbox defaults to what I want (i.e. blank), so at the moment I don't need to control it explicitly. But it's good to see how this works under the hood. Keep up the great work.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    We'll certainly try :smile:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    But I'm still puzzled. I can see that you added a field of type R(adio) with the value trusted. So why does this not show up in the list of form fields when I edit the login in 1Password? Is there a cunning programmer's way to show or edit radio buttons, or to add them to an existing login?

    @Charles Butcher: Yep. Very confusing! Currently there can a lot of rather useful information (I think) that is not displayed under View Webform Details, but we plan to expand this in the future -- especially where it can be helpful for login troubleshooting.

    At any rate, I'm glad I was able to help with this particular issue. Thanks for the feedback! :)

This discussion has been closed.