iCloud family account vault sync

Community Member

Hi All,

I'm a new user of 1Password. Just purchased the app store version, and installed the iOS version for my iPhone, with syncing using iCloud. So far so good.

Next up I launch 1Password on my wife's Mac OS account, only to see an iCloud option in view for about 2 seconds then disappear. Hmm. I confirm she has iCloud enabled and is logged in.

She installs the app on her phone. No data found on iCloud. I assume this is because she has a different iCloud address and although we are an iCloud family this doesn't help.

So I'm thinking I'll log her out of iCloud, then log in under my account, and sync. But then I assume sync with break as soon as she logs back in as herself. Seems like the best solution would be to have an option for 1Password to "connect as" with the desired iCloud account. Is this available as a Pro feature? What is the recommended solution to share password data via the cloud?



1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.3
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You can't use iCloud to sync 1P data between different iCloud accounts because of Apple restrictions on the way iCloud works. The only Cloud solution is to use Dropbox to sync your 1P data between you and your wife. This knowledge base article may help:

    Sync options compared: Wi-Fi vs. Dropbox vs. iCloud

    For non-cloud solutions you could look at either wifi sync (mentioned in the linked article) or, possibly, folder sync.

    As a bonus idea :) you might want to look at having multiple vaults if you and your wife don't use the same sub-set of 1P data. If you do decide to do that you'll almost certainly want to use Dropbox sync (because it makes it much easier to sync individual vaults).

    I hope this helps.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @prime99 ,

    First of all, I'd just like to thank you for choosing 1Password to keep your digital data secure and organized! Stephen's already given you some good advice here, but I did want to chime in and confirm a few things.

    I launch 1Password on my wife's Mac OS account, only to see an iCloud option in view for about 2 seconds then disappear. Hmm. I confirm she has iCloud enabled and is logged in.

    Did you download 1Password onto your wife's computer from the Mac App Store or directly from our website? If you purchased from the Mac App Store, Family Sharing will allow you to install your purchase of 1Password on your wife's computer. If you're not seeing iCloud as a sync option for your wife though, it sounds like you have have downloaded 1Password from our website - the version from our website is incapable of using iCloud, as Apple currently only allows iCloud for apps sold through its own store.

    She installs the app on her phone. No data found on iCloud. I assume this is because she has a different iCloud address and although we are an iCloud family this doesn't help.

    I sincerely apologize for the trouble here. As Stephen mentions above, iCloud is a bit limited for sharing. At this time, it is not possible to share 1Password data between iCloud accounts (it's not quite the same thing as having family sharing set up for your purchase accounts, unfortunately).

    To share your database with your wife, I would suggest using Dropbox. An alternative is setting up Multiple Vaults as Stephen suggests. You could both sync your individual primary vaults through your own iCloud accounts, then sync a secondary, shared vault with all your family items (such as the all-important Netflix Login and banking information) using Dropbox.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions or concerns, we're here for you. :)

  • prime99
    Community Member

    Thanks for this Stephen and Megan. We did download 1Password from the app store. This is how I set up iCloud sync on my account. My wife has an account on the same computer and the iCloud option was disappearing as I described. If I can't get it working I'll submit a support ticket (or whatever the mechanism is here)

    Sounds like Dropbox is the only option for now in terms of actually sharing the same vault via the cloud. The point is well taken that we might want multiple vaults - one shared and one each that is personal. Time to add yet another cloud storage account!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @prime99,

    On behalf of Stephen and Megan, you're very welcome!

    I'm not sure why the iCloud option disappears like that. On each Mac user account, you're both using the same 1Password.app from the Applications folder, right? It sounds like you might be switching to Dropbox sync for vault sharing, but if your wife still wants to sync her Primary vault with iCloud, you can try going through the troubleshooting steps in this knowledgebase article. Not everything in that article will apply to your setup, but something there might help.

    Please let us know if you need more help with that! :)

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