Banking site ( not being populated on iPad

Community Member

Hi... I've just installed 1Pswd5 on my iPad and it works OK for all sites except my bank (

  • Once I hit 'log on' on the main page it issues the logon page with fields for registration # and pswd.
  • I then hit the 1Pswd ' icon to list relevant web sites and hit the correct entry for ANZ.
  • No result, no errors, just frustration.
    I've always had this issue on my Mac where the site issues a popup window for the registry details but get around it by using the 'command + \' workaround. This workaround doesn't seem to be available on the iPad so would appreciate any advice provided.
    ps.. I see quite a lot of questions and answers on the ANZ site and it's login but can't see an answer for this question.

1Password Version: 5.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: ios8.4
Sync Type: WiFi


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SufferingSainter: Oh dear. They certainly don't make it easy now, do they? Indeed, the problem is the login form, which not only comes up in a popup window (, but the form itself is not even on that page...

    Rather, it is in a 'hidden frame' (their words :lol: — apps and app extensions cannot interact with on iOS at all. Hopefully this will be improved in the future as Apple develops iOS and Mobile Safari, but for the time being there is, unfortunately, nothing that 1Password can do to access login forms such as this.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • SufferingSainter
    Community Member

    Thanx for the very quick feedback brenty.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SufferingSainter,

    Okay, now I want to say I can't promise anything but there is maybe a possibility.

    Now brenty is correct, IFrames are a bogeyman for us at the moment on iOS. Sometimes though with a bit of prodding we can find a way to bypass this.

    So the disclaimer is I'm not a customer of ANZ and what that means is I've been able to test the following in terms of filling but I don't know if clicking the Log on button will result in the desired goal. It should do but we are trying to squeeze round their design.

    So my recommendation is to be very careful, try it once and if you don't have any luck please, please do log in the normal route so that we've not accidentally incremented any hidden counter regarding failed logins. I say all of this because the page prior to this one did raise a flag about unsuccessful attempts and banks being banks, when they lock you out they tend to do it in style. I can testify when I locked myself out of a business account and had to wait for the new activation code in the post.

    So with the warnings done, here is what I found. The URL is and if I visit that in a new tab and follow our How to manually save a Login guide I can create a Login item that fills in both Safari on the Mac and my iPad. Filling is only half the battle though and it isn't until the Log on button is clicked that we truly know the outcome.

    If my warnings have put you off at all I fully understand not wishing to try. What I would say is a single failed login should not be locking you out ever but given we're talking about access to your bank accounts you may not want to take the risk. If you're feeling a combination of adventurous and curiosity though and you do try I'd love to hear if it works.

  • SufferingSainter
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbytables
    Your a very smart person. I performed your suggestion manually on the mac and it logged me on OK. So created a new logon in 1Pswd and logged on via that successfully as well. When it synched with the iPad I logged on via that OK as well. I'll continue to use this until if/when the Bank calls to ask what I'm doing with their logon process :)
    Thanks very much for the assistance.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @SufferingSainter,

    I owe you a lot of thanks too. Thank you for being willing to test it and thank you for reporting back on the success of the test. Should anybody else ask about the ANZ bank I can say we have a confirmed workaround and that's fantastic :smile:

    Should you find the Login item stops working at all please do come back and tell us and we can pick up the investigation again and see if we can find another solution :smile:

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