user ID and password won't fill on TD Ameritrade


When I click on the Ameritrade login in 1password it takes me to the login page but does not fill in the userID or password. 1password does fill in the information on my other sites. I have tried the suggestions on your support site with no success.


1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: 4.4.4
OS Version: OSX 10.10.5
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: kb-search:TD ameritrade, kb:fix-website-login, kb:save-login-manually, kb-search:ameritrade, kb:fix-website-login


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dudster,

    Can I just confirm, are you saying that one of the things you've tried is to create a new Login item using our How to manually save a Login guide as a reference?

    I would also be curious to know, do you experience the same if you first load the login page in your browser and then use the keyboard shortcut ⌘\ to fill or does it behave differently from what we call open and fill (where you ask 1Password to open the page and then fill)?

    If you're still experiencing the same problem could you help us out please. Could you supply the URL for the login page, just to make sure we're using the same page as you need to and we will look into it for you :smile:

  • dudster
    Community Member


    I did follow the directions on "How to manually save a login" but that login did't work. If I go to the site in Safari and use your shortcut it did work. Is there a similar work around on an iPhone 6s? Cutting and pasting on the iPhone is a real pain.

    The URL for the Ameritrade login is:

    Thanks for your help,


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dudster,

    Thank you for the URL. So I can now observe what you have been, open and fill doesn't perform the fill afterwards but the page loads and at least on a Mac the keyboard shortcut ⌘\ works.

    In 1Password for iOS I see that tapping on the URL also doesn't allow open and fill with 1Browser to work. Your only option there is to use the extension and manually ask it to fill I'm afraid. It isn't as short as ⌘\ but it shouldn't be too bad. This page, Fill items in Safari (iOS) should help there.

    All that is left is for us to discover why open and fill isn't working!

  • dudster
    Community Member


    Your link to "Fill items in Safari" proved to be very helpful. After a bit of fiddling and careful rereading of instructions I can log on to the Ameritrade site from both my Macbook Air and iphone6s. I think 1password is going to be very useful!

    Thank you for your quick responses and excellent advice.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad we could help @dudster :smile: I do hope you find 1Password as useful as we all do and should you have questions hopefully it gives us an opportunity to show off our customer support :smile:

This discussion has been closed.