Bank of America login-works with Norton ID safe NOT with 1Password?


Get the frames message, reviewed prior post on this issue and 1P is aware of it for some time. Is it fixed since it came up several yrs ago? I just bought 1Pas and disappointed that Norton ID safe can handle login for BOA but 1Password can not. Or am I missing something to make it work as smooth as Norton ID safe?
Thank you

1Password Version: 4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: NA
Referrer: forum-search:Bank of America login-works with Norton ID safe NOT with 1Password?


  • Hi @dfitz,

    I don't have an account with them, so I tested with a fake account and it did fill in both fields for me on this page:

    Try entering in the username and password on that page but do not submit the form yet. Instead, click on the 1Password icon, go to Settings > Save New Login. Save it as a new Login instead of replacing your current Login, and see if this specific item will work for you.

    If not, can you tell me which browser you're using?

  • dfitz
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,
    Thank You, that fixed it. I have been using Norton ID Safe which has worked great for all my log in but needed a better solution for all my passwords etc. I have some other logins with the same issue.
    Thank you

  • You're welcome! Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.

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