Trial Expired?

Community Member

Just bought a new iMac and transferred all my files from my 2009 Mac Pro to my new iMac, including my 1Password 5 app which I have on all my Macs (4) and have had for several years. The 1Password 5 app on my new iMac has 'Trial Expired' at the top of the 1Password extension window on the Safari bar. When I click on the 'Trial Expired' I get the message to buy the 1Password 5 app, but I have already bought the Family Bundle. I tried to add the license that I received from Agilebits for the 1Password 5 app but can't figure out how to add the license on my new iMac. What do I do? I don't think that I should have to buy another 1Password 5 app because I've already bought the family bundle and have paid the fee several times. Please assist me in fixing this problem.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:license-file-faq, kb:add-license, kb:license-file-faq, kb:add-license, kb:license-requirements


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @kmikawa there is no need to buy a new licence. Don't worry about that. All you need to do is to transfer the licence file from one of your Macs (any way you like: USB stick, email, etc.) and apply it on the new Mac. The licence file is probably automatically attached to your 1P software licence item on one of your old Macs but if it isn't, or you can't find it, you can have it re-sent to you by giving on this page the email address you used when you originally bought 1P.


  • Hey @kmikawa! Stephen is completely correct. All you need to do is apply your license and you're all set. In case you didn't request it from the page he linked to, I just resent it to the email address you used to sign up on the forums. Let us know if you have any other questions. :)

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