Free update to the Mac App Store version

Community Member

I read your article explaining the iCloud issue with the web version of 1Password, and I understand the technical issues involved and the need for backwards compatibility, but I fail to see why it should impact the commercial aspect.
Couldn't you publish a free version on the Mac App Store exclusively for users who already have a license?

  1. You don't lose anything because we have already paid for the license.
  2. Users who already paid for the license will be allowed to benefit from all the functionalities for which they have paid and
  3. You would be in a position to switch definitively to the Mac App Store version without infuriating your current clients

Hoping you'll consider my proposition seriously.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gualo,

    Unfortunately what you're suggesting would be viewed as an attempt to circumnavigate Apple's rules surround their stores and would potentially run the risk of getting 1Password pulled from the Mac App Store. Your proposal would allow a software developer to avoid paying Apple their percentage as the store owner by having all sales occur outside of the Apple Stores. AgileBits did consider all options available at the time and there simply wasn't a good one. We have been investigating a new framework that Apple has created though so maybe there will be some interesting news surrounding iCloud at some point :smile:

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