How to synchronize iPhone 6 1Password content with (empty) Windows 7 1Password content?


Hey guys,

unfortunately I deleted my 1Password on my computer before making a backup. Nevertheless, all my stuff is saved on my iPhone 6 (1Password app).

So what I would like to know from you is how to get all my stuff from the iPhone to my computer?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards and greetings from Germany,

1Password Version: Latest
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 7 64bit
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi Marcel,

    Thanks for contacting us. We're sorry to hear that you seem to have lost access to your 1Password data on your PC.

    First and foremost, I recommend you create a backup of the data on your iPhone. Please refer to the knowledge base article Creating and restoring 1Password backups in iTunes (iOS).

    Say, did you delete the 1Password application or the entirety of your data and 1Password backups on your PC?
    The application and your data are separate from each other. Depending on how you've been synchronising your data between your PC and your iPhone, the data would've probably been saved in your PC's Documents folder.

    If you're certain that the data isn't present on your PC anymore, you need to decide on how to sync the data back.
    You can either do it via Dropbox or Wi-Fi.

    Our user guide for 1Password for iOS will show you how to set up Dropbox sync: Sync with Dropbox – 1Password for iOS
    Once that is set up, you will only need to launch 1Password on your PC and point it to the .opvault file in your Dropbox folder.

    If you want to sync your data via Wi-Fi, you will have to follow the first-run steps in 1Password for Windows to set up a new vault (preferably using the same master password that you're already using in 1Password for iOS) and then set up both devices for Wi-Fi sync as described in the user guide article Sync over Wi-Fi.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if we can do anything else for you.



  • gwspom
    Community Member

    Hey Alex,

    thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. You were a great help. Everything worked fine and so I have all my password on my computer again.

    Thank you and have a nice week,

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. On behalf of Alex, you are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

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