'I'm considering purchasing 1password- what happens if after using it for a while I decide to leave,

Community Member

, that is drop the service. How will access various websites don't have password?'.

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Referrer: forum-search:'I'm considering purchasing 1password- what happens if after using it for a while I decide to leave, that is drop the service. How will I access the various websites if I don't have the password?'


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tkleven,

    You have two options to use 1Password. The first one is to buy 1Password, in which case you'll have it and be able to use it permanently, though it might not include major updates. In this case the scenario that you mentioned is not even possible. The second one is to get a subscription to 1Password Families. Even if you decide you don't want the subscription anymore, the data that you stored will always be available to access, it won't let you edit it or add new stuff. I hope this helps you! :chuffed:

  • Ben

    Hi @tkleven

    I hope Pilar's answer is helpful! As she pointed out with a 1Password license you're free to continue using the version of 1Password that you license indefinitely, but there may be paid upgrades offered in the future. With a subscription to 1Password for Families all of our compatible apps and upgrades are included in the subscription. If you let your subscription lapse your data will go into a read-only state until you renew your service.

    I hope that helps!


  • tkleven
    Community Member

    my concern is- if I choose to drop 1password and manage passwords myself or go to another manager how will I access all the websites that now have a password put in place by 1password- am i given a list of passwords?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @tkleven all the data you store in 1Password is stored locally on your Mac—it's not stored by AgileBits. Even if you use the recently released 1Password for Families (which syncs 1P data via AgileBits' servers) the data is still yours and is always accessible by you on your machine. You can always use 1Password's export options to export your 1Password data.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed. While the way you keep people out of your data is by using a long, strong, unique Master Password, we don't ever lock anyone out of their data. :)

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