99 of my 600 items failed to import. Is there a log that can tell me what failed and why?

John Ping
John Ping
Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

I opened my existing vault from Dropbox in the Win 10 app, and followed the migration guide, but 99 logins failed. How do I tell which ones, and why? I have over 600 items, so manually comparing them isn't really feasible.

1Password Version: Win 10
Extension Version: 1Password Beta
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: 1Password for Families, Dropbox.
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate, kb-search:failed copy, kb:teams-families-migrate


  • Hi @John Ping,

    Sorry to hear that you've run into issues during the migration.

    Items that failed to copy should have a red icon next to them, that way you can easily select them and move them to your teams vault.

    There's one limitation right now: password items can't be imported at the moment. So if you have 99 password items in the non-Teams vault, that would be the reason.

    I hope this helps!

  • John Ping
    John Ping
    Community Member

    Ah yes, it does look like they're all passwords. Does a newsletter go out or anything when the Windows beta app is updated?

  • No but we'll be happy to let you know once the issue has been fixed.

  • MikeT

    Hi @dahanbn,

    We used to do that but didn't help much, so we've stopped listing the known issues and will work with customers directly instead.

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