pw generator

Community Member
edited April 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

How do I require the diceware password generator to always include an uppercase letter, number and symbol? Nine times out of ten when I create a password and try it the website doesn't allow what was generated because they have complexity requirements including a number, uppercase letter and a symbol.


  • MikeT

    Hi @prophoto,

    In that case, use the random password generator, not the wordlist/diceware generator. The sole purpose of the wordlist generator is to make it memorable or easier to type, which the random combination of letters, numbers and symbols doesn't fit.

    In the generator, uncheck the box next to Generate diceware passpharse and you'll see the options for digits and symbols.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2016

    Hi @prophoto,

    You can edit the password in the field on top to add your own combinations of letters, digits and symbols.

    We currently do not plan to add these to the wordlist generator but I'll share your feedback and we'll see if we can improve this in the future.

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