Can't sign in to amazon

Community Member

I wanted to create a login to Amazon on my iPad Pro.
First I created an ordinary, non 1password account.
Then I went into 1password and duplicated all the information.
But it won't work!!!!!!
It's so frustrating since I buy a lot of kindle books. Previously, I lost my last pass master password but that had always worked for me. I think 1Passsword is more secure but I can't get it to work.
I'm tearing my hair out.
Please help

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: IOS9.3
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @joeschmoe123 I'm sorry that you're experiencing this problem! Let's save your hair and get everything figured out ;)

    When you say that it won't work, do you mean that 1Password is submitting the information and Amazon is rejecting it or is there some other issue going on? The answer to that question will help us figure out the best way to move forward.

  • joeschmoe123
    Community Member

    It seems Amazon is rejecting it. I was able to create a log in for this forum!! So I'm not a complete retard. If I remember correctly, Amazon says something like you entered your passsword incorrectly. But I checked it three times.
    Thanks a lot for helping me. I don't know why it's not working

  • joeschmoe123
    Community Member

    It seems Amazon is rejecting it. I was able to create a log in for this forum!! So I'm not a complete retard. If I remember correctly, Amazon says something like you entered your passsword incorrectly. But I checked it three times.
    Thanks a lot for helping me. I really appreciate it. I don't know why it's not working.
    Maybe I don't know how to use 1passsword. I would pay someone for a step by step personalized lesson on how to use it because I have a lot of passwords and they were all lost when I forgot my master passsword for your competitors last pass.

  • joeschmoe123
    Community Member

    It seems Amazon is rejecting it. I was able to create a log in for this forum!! So I'm not a complete retard. If I remember correctly, Amazon says something like you entered your passsword incorrectly. But I checked it three times.
    Thanks a lot for helping me. I really appreciate it. I don't know why it's not working.
    Maybe I don't know how to use 1passsword. I would pay someone for a step by step personalized tuturial on how to use it because I have a lot of passwords and they were all lost when I forgot my master passsword for your competitors last pass.

  • joeschmoe123
    Community Member

    Amazon seems to be viewing it as a forgotten password issue.
    Amazon is the website I use most.
    What would be the correct way to do it? Thank you.

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