Issue with left bracket [ character with password copy paste [possible Apple bug]

Community Member
edited December 2016 in iOS

iOS 10.0.1
1Password 6.4.5

Not sure if this is a bug with 1Password or with Apple, but here you go.

Create a password with a [ character. Copy the password to the clipboard. Paste the password elsewhere in iOS (e.g. Messages) and it gets pasted in hex as %5B.


  • lazant
    Community Member

    Well now that's weird, I just tried to create a new password manually in the iOS app using the [ and it copied and pasted normally. For some reason this one password that I generated on my laptop and saved in the desktop app copies in hex on iOS. Will try to reproduce on laptop.

  • lazant
    Community Member

    Ok I manually created a password again that was just [ and it pasted in hex.

  • Ben

    Hi @lazant,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in.

    I've tried to reproduce this but haven't been able to at this point. Could you please walk me through the exact steps you're taking when this issue appears?

    I tried creating a new login item with the password [ but copying & pasting it works as expected.


  • lazant
    Community Member

    Just did it again, but it seems to matter where you are pasting it so maybe a problem with Apple? It pasted in hex in Messages and Mail for me but pasted correctly in Notes.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Open 1Password on iPhone
    Tap "+"
    Tap "Login"
    Enter "test" for "Login Name" and "username"
    Enter "[" for "Password"
    Copy password to clipboard
    Paste in Messages or Mail

  • Ben

    Interesting. I was able to reproduce the problem using those steps, but it does not occur with other apps such as Notes. I would not recommend sharing passwords via Messages or Mail but if you must you can do so using the Share button on the item in 1Password.



  • mcgilligan
    Community Member

    This same thing happened to me. My case was sharing a password with my wife - my password has a [ in it - but when I copy and paste into iOS messages app - it is changed to % and thus frustrating to myself and wife. Is this a bug AgileBits would be fixing?

  • Ben


    Could you please walk me through the steps you are taking?

    The issue I found above does not appear to be an issue with 1Password.

    Please let me know.


  • mcgilligan
    Community Member

    Hi Ben, Here's the steps.

    • Open 1Password on phone.
    • Locate my password I want to share with wife.
    • Copy that password to my clipboard
    • Paste password in Messages app to my wife

    What happens is the [ in my strong password is being pasted as a % and thus making the password incorrect.

    Note that it pastes the same for Mail App too.

    I tested pasting into the following apps and it pastes correctly.

    • Notes App
    • Evernote
    • Outlook

    I am aware that 1password has a built in share function but I rarely use it tbh because it makes copy/pasting the password difficult for non-users.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2016

    @mcgilligan: I'm afraid I'm not able to reproduce this at all. And the fact that you're only encountering this issue when pasting into Messages and Mail indicates that it's either a bug in those apps, in iOS, or with your particular device (though the former seems more likely), in which case it may be best to contact Apple and see what they can do to help. If you're able to copy and paste normally from 1Password into other apps, then it sounds like this isn't a 1Password bug. Is that the case, or am I misunderstanding? Please let me know!

  • gimpster
    Community Member

    I'm not sure if this bug lies on the 1Password side or on the iMessage side, but here's the repro steps for investigation:

    Repro Steps
    1. Save password that contains a left bracket "[" character
    2. Open 1Password app on iOS 10.0.1
    3. Open login, tap password field, and copy password
    4. Paste password into iMessages text

    Password is pasted verbatim into the iMessage text.

    The password is pasted into iMessage but the character for the left bracket "[" gets escaped as "%5B" making the password invalid.

    1Password Version: 6.4.5
    Extension Version: N/A
    OS Version: iOS 10.0.1
    Sync Type: Dropbox

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @gimpster: I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your post into the existing discussion on this issue.

    From the findings here, this really seems to be a bug with either iOS, specific Apple apps, or the hardware itself. Others have reported that pasting works fine in other apps, so please let me know if you're able to confirm that as well. Unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce this with any apps, so it may be a bit of an edge case — especially since there haven't been many reports. Let me know what you find!

  • gimpster
    Community Member

    No problem @brenty. I did some more testing and found similar results to what's been said above. Pasting the password into the Notes app works fine. Additionally, copying the password from the Notes app and then pasting into iMessages exhibits the same behavior as pasting it after copying from 1Password. If I had to take a guess, I would guess it might have something to do with the way iMessages parses and strips URLs from your message content in order to give you a preview of the link's destination. I'd wager a coffee that it's a bug in there somewhere.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanking the same thing. Thanks for confirming! I didn't want to dismiss this out of hand if 1Password was in fact somehow involved. Hopefully Apple will be able to fix that issue.

  • joekadera
    Community Member

    I just ran into this issue and dug a bit deeper. This is definitely specific to iOS or messages, as I can reproduce it without using 1password. Typing '[' in Notes, selecting and copying it, then pasting into Messages results in the same issue: "%5B" being pasted.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for taking the time to let us know your findings! Indeed, we also came to the conclusion that this isn't specific to 1Password and seems to be an iOS issue, or possibly an issue with specific Apple apps. I'm glad you were able to confirm the same behavior! :)

This discussion has been closed.