Which 1Password.agilekeychain file to keep on Dropbox

Community Member

In my Dropbox account I see a file "1Password.agilekeychain" dated Apr 16, 2015 and a folder "1Password" containing another file "1Password.agilekeychain" dated Oct 23, 2016. Will the real agilekeychain file please stand UP! Based on the modified date I can assume I can delete the older one but I've found from previous discussions that when it comes to Agilebits products, that's likely not a good idea without checking first. You tend to hang on to old versioned files for some reason.

Can you please let me know if I can safely delete the top level agilekeychain file and hang on to the one in the folder "1Password"?

1Password Version: 6.5.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Teaman
    Community Member

    BTW I just logged into my dropbox account and viewed it there and it thinks both of those "files" are actually folders. Go figure.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Teaman,

    Thanks for reaching out to us about this! If you only sync 1 vault in 1Password with Dropbox, then you should only need one of those sync files. But the modified date isn't always a reliable way to tell which one is currently in use by 1Password, because a .agilekeychain "file" is actually a package / bundle (basically a special type of folder) which is made up of hundreds of smaller files (it looks like a file on a Mac, but looks like a folder on dropbox.com or a Windows PC). The modified date doesn't necessarily reflect changes made to the contents inside the package.

    What you'll want to do is check the sync settings in 1Password on your Mac (and on your other devices, if any) to see which sync file in Dropbox is being used. From the main 1Password for Mac app, go to 1Password > Preferences > Sync, and you should see the exact path for the sync file it's using. (If you use 1Password for iOS, you can open the 1Password app on the iOS device and go to Settings > Sync > Primary > Sync Service, and find the file path underneath Current Sync Method / Dropbox.)

    Once you know which sync file is currently being used by 1Password, you can delete the other one from your Dropbox folder.

    If you have any questions about that, please let us know. Cheers! :)

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