Icon Size issue - iOS 6.5

Community Member
edited December 2016 in Mac

I have an issue with missing icons for entries in both the Mac and iOS versions of 1Password which I have mentioned in another thread. I am syncing via Dropbox.


I have however noticed another issue today in that when looking tithe iOS version of 1Password, some entries have large icons and others are small. The icon size in the Mac version is consistent throughout all entries e.g. there sizes are identical.

Adding icons to entries in the Mac version is also flawed in that when you drop an icon on an entry when you are editing it, the icon she not appear until you press save. The behaviour of the icon is also strange in that you can no longer resize the icon properly and it never used to do this before.

Anyone else seeing this and know of a solution?

Perhaps as my issues are all icon related there is an issue with the latest versions of 1Password?

1Password Version: 6.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.2
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Radar68: It sounds like you may have some "favicons" from the websites themselves for certain items. Not all websites have the nicer "Apple touch icons", and AgileBits doesn't have a Rich Icon for every site out there in the database either. Websites seem to be sprucing things up slowly though, and we'll be adding more sites to our own database over time as well.

    And while you can add a custom icons of your choosing to any item, you're right that there is a bug with them currently which prevents them from being displayed until the change is saved. But can you tell me what you mean about resizing them? That doesn't sound familiar to me.

    ref: OPM-4381

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