Can't edit - what's up with that?

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

I can't edit my existing entries in 1Password. Whole point of getting 1Password was to get rid of sticky notes, and right now I have three sticky notes because I can't edit. This is a new problem since one of the recent updates. I could delete entries and add as new, I guess, but that would be a pain.

Saw other answers about 6 not supporting local vaults, which I don't understand. (Is my vault a local vault? What is a local vault? Why doesn't it support them?) And that running 4 would solve this problem. Please explain, in small words and with detailed steps how I convert back to 4 if that's what I need to do. I always update when prompted because I am a recovering Luddite so I try to stay current and go forth bravely, so am running 6.2.333d.

1Password Version: 6.2.333d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows NT 10.0
Sync Type: no idea


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kcb_hurst: Good questions! A local vault is an .opvault or .agilekeychain which is stored locally on the device, as opposed to the subscription service, which stores data on the server.

    If you've been using 1Password 4 already and didn't delete your data, even if you uninstalled the app, just reinstall 1Password 4 and it should find your data (which it sounds like you've just opened in 1Password 6) and you can pick up right where you left off — and ditch the sticky notes!

    1Password 6 has never supported editing local vaults, so this isn't an issue introduced in an update; rather, we're working on adding full local vault support in a future version. I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    Good answers, leading to a couple more questions. First, to help me make sense technically - I have the 1PW app on my iPhone, which talks to the one on my laptop (ie didn't enter everything separately - and, late breaking news - can edit in it and have the changes show up on destktop) so that would be the opposite of "not stored locally on the device", right?

    Also, I could have sworn I had a subscription with you guys, because it's been way longer than 30 days of the trial. I guess I thought you would prompt me to start paying after that was up. But, I've got no paper trail, so I guess I never actually started a subscription. If I do that , I will no longer be a freeloader and will be good with version 6, correct?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Good answers, leading to a couple more questions. First, to help me make sense technically - I have the 1PW app on my iPhone, which talks to the one on my laptop (ie didn't enter everything separately - and, late breaking news - can edit in it and have the changes show up on destktop) so that would be the opposite of "not stored locally on the device", right?

    @kcb_hurst: Yep! If you're using a Account (you'd have logged into this to setup the app on each device) the encrypted data is stored on the server, so you can access it on all of your devices.

    Also, I could have sworn I had a subscription with you guys, because it's been way longer than 30 days of the trial. I guess I thought you would prompt me to start paying after that was up. But, I've got no paper trail, so I guess I never actually started a subscription. If I do that , I will no longer be a freeloader and will be good with version 6, correct?

    I'd double check that just to be sure. Login to and view your billing details. You may have just subscribed long enough ago that you've forgotten. If you have a Account that isn't frozen, you're good to go, and definitely stick with 1Password 6. Here at AgileBits we don't have any freeloaders; only equally awesome long-time, new, and future customers. :)

  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    Hey, Brenty,

    I can't edit again. What's up with that? Definitely all signed up - my free trial is set to expire and my card to bill in 3 days.


  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    on 6.3.359d if that's helpful

  • Hi @kcb_hurst,

    I don't see anything wrong for your account. Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report on your PC, use this guide to generate the report and email it to us at Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    Mike - Report sent.


  • MikeT
    edited February 2017

    Thanks, we go the report and will reply as soon as possible.

    ref: GMI-35494-136

  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    Got a reply via email from Sergey saying the reason I couldn't edit was because I don't have edit privileges in my work vault. This is true - the little edit pencil has a line through it. However the items I was trying to edit were in my personal vault - no line through the pencil, just click and nothing happens.

    Meanwhile the problem has fixed itself - still can't figure out how to add favorites or tags, though - shouldn't it be under "edit"? Not seeing it.

    Love this product, totally addicted to it. Not crazy about support.

    With the original thread the answer was about switching from vers 4 to vers 6 and only having a local vault, well after some research, I was never on 4 and always had a vault that updated between computer and iphone. I did need to set up payment - but why did I have to figure that out - shouldn't they have tracked when my trial was and prodded me to start paying?

    So hoping I don't lose edit ability again after the next update. (Also, my shortcut pinned to my taskbar stops working after every update, but that's easy to fix)

    End of today's rant. Sorry.

  • kcb_hurst
    Community Member

    Well, spoke too soon, editing is gone again. Gif of me futilely clicking the edit button attached.

  • @kcb_hurst sorry for the trouble, I hoped it's simple missing edit permission, but that gif you sent clearly shows some bug. I'll follow up by email.

This discussion has been closed.