Switching from single licence

Community Member


Im thinking of making the switch from a standalone licence, as it seems you are putting all efforts into the subscription service.

I need help on making the switch

I have a standalone licence on Mac and Android synced to dropbox. I would like to try the family subscription what is the correct procedure to take?

Also if I stay with the subscription model I take it I can delete all my 1p files from dropbox?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • telUK
    Community Member

    Ive done a bit more reading and I think I found an easy guide.

    Basically I sign up and follow the instructions from there.

    Does the subscription model still use my mac app that I purchased from the app store a few years ago or is there a different version I need to download?

  • telUK
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Seems it does use the same apps but I got my app from the mac app store which is version 6.5.3, There has been updates since then on your web store download site, will I need to change to downloading the apps from here to get later versions if I change to a subscription model.

    Got to say its rather confusing and not well explained for someone who is migrating across to subscription.


  • rickfillion
    edited February 2017

    Hi @telUK,

    Sounds like you've been figuring this out. Version 6.6 will show up on the Mac App Store next week. We have no plans to leave the Mac App Store. In fact we just finished doing a bunch of work that's specific to the Mac App Store version and is why 6.6 there is shipping a little later than the 6.6 on our website.

    I would love to get feedback from you about what parts you found most confusing. Feedback is how we can make this better. For us, we're looking at this day in day out, and so some things that seem obvious to us aren't necessarily obvious to you as a user. We especially want to make this a smooth experience for users like yourself that have been using 1Password for a while and are deciding to give this new thing a try. Lay it on us, don't hold back.


  • telUK
    Community Member


    Thank's, so is there any benefit switching to the website app on the mac?

    I take it I can switch to the website version if I ever need to easily enough.

    As for the parts I find confusing, I think its down to how some guides are worded which makes it difficult to search for the best answer, take this for an example-


    I think its all the titles of guides that include '1password account', 'standalone licence' , that gets a little confusing since starting up the subscription service.
    just makes searching for the answer a lot harder.


  • @telUK Absolutely! There are quite a few benefits, whether you're using a Mac or any other kind of device. The best place to find the benefits of an account is the knowledge base article we wrote about it. We're happy to answer questions about it if you have some. :) That's the best roundup of things, so let us know if they help!

  • telUK
    Community Member

    @Jacob , I think you misread my question about the benefits, I was asking if its worth while switching from the Mac store app to the website download app?

    I currently use the mac store app where I originally purchased my standalone licence, was thinking about switching to the website download as it seems to get updates quicker.


  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK - There's no difference in using the one or the other, but I can totally see your point about the updates.

    It's not difficult switching between the two versions. There's one thing you need to know though: The website version and the Mac App Store version store their data in different locations in the file system. When you launch the website version, it'll look like it's fresh install. Signing in to your account is easy enough, and you'll be back in business in a couple of seconds. But if - for some reason - you had any local (i.e not connected to your account) vaults present in the Mac App Store, these wouldn't be accessible anymore.

  • telUK
    Community Member

    @Roman Thanks!

    I may switch once Ive gone onto the subscription 1p account, as for vaults I only have a primary vault.

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni

    @telUK That's great then! You can can switch anytime you want to! :)

  • telUK
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    @rickfillion, continuing our discussion here.

    If I want a family subscription billed on a monthly basis it is best to sign up on 1password website then?
    I take it signing up through your website gives me better control of my subscription than doing it through Apple.

    Thank you

    **Just noticed I can update to the latest 6.6 version of the app from the mac store, one of the new features states 1password subscriptions can be purchased directly in 1password, I take it that means the mac app? If so would that offer monthly subscription and be billed through Apple?

    But then going back to my original question whats best for the long term.

  • Good morning @telUK,

    How you sign up for Families won't affect how you can pay for it. The best way for you to sign up for it is via our website ( https://1password.com/families/ ).

    You're right that as of 6.6 you can choose to be billed right through Apple/iTunes (when using the Mac App Store version of the app, or our iOS app). If you go that route you'd want to stick to the Mac App Store version and not switch over to our AgileBits store version as we need the app to periodically go fetch your updated receipt from apple for us as we can't do that ourselves.

    If you're looking to do monthly billing then there really isn't much difference whether you go with the Apple In App Purchase subscription, or via our website. Via our website we charge in USD so you might save a little if Apple does a beneficial conversion for your region.

    One option that's limited to our website for now is yearly billing which cuts the price down a fair bit. You can switch how you're paying after the fact though, so don't feel like you're having to make a decision that you'll stick with forever.

    I hope this helps.


  • telUK
    Community Member


    Ok so I can sign up at 1password.com, no matter how I wish to be billed.

    And I understand that once the trial ends you then have to enter your billing credentials, would it give me a choice of apple/itunes billing or direct from agilebits. This is the bit Im still unsure about.

    Sorry for all the questions.

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni


    Ok so I can sign up at 1password.com, no matter how I wish to be billed.

    Yes, that's correct.

    And I understand that once the trial ends you then have to enter your billing credentials, would it give me a choice of apple/itunes billing or direct from agilebits.

    You decide. Either you enter your credit card details on your Billing page on 1password.com or you setup payment through the App Store (from within the app). As rickfillion mentioned above, if you're interested in yearly billing (and the price cut that comes with it) the Billing page is where it's at. :)

  • telUK
    Community Member

    @Roman Thank's for confirming.

    Hopefully my last questions.....

    If I decide to pay on an annual basis via your website, can I remove my billing credentials after payment and then add them again in the future when/if I decide to continue for another year?

    Also as I currently have two apps mac/android synced with dropbox, when I go and add a 1password account to these will it automatically change over to 1password.com syncing, will my old local/primary vault be automatically removed and dropbox syncing stopped. Just worried about clashes with my old vault and dropbox sync and the new personal vault and 1password.com sync.

    Thank's again

  • Roman
    1Password Alumni


    I decide to pay on an annual basis via your website, can I remove my billing credentials after payment and then add them again in the future when/if I decide to continue for another year?

    Accounts will freeze if no CC is entered, so no, that's not an option.

    Also as I currently have two apps mac/android synced with dropbox, when I go and add a 1password account to these will it automatically change over to 1password.com syncing, will my old local/primary vault be automatically removed and dropbox syncing stopped.

    1Password will offer to do both, move your data and delete the Primary vault, but it will prompt you for confirmation of both actions. If you decline, 1Password will not ask again, but you can do both steps manually.

This discussion has been closed.