How do I completely disable 1Password mini?

Community Member
edited April 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I only want to use the main 1Password app (and copy/paste passwords into my browser manually as needed). Therefore I don't think I need 1Password Mini at all. How do I completely disable 1Password Mini?

1Password Version: 6.5.401d
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @lanta,

    Thanks for writing in!

    You can't really disable 1Password mini because they're one and the same thing. 1Password mini is simply a different view for 1Password 6 and the one used for the browser.

    You can disable 1Password 6 from launching when you start your PC but once you launch the app, it will appear in the notification area of the task bar, too.
    If you simply don't want to see the icon, you can hide it using the Windows task bar settings.

    Let me tell you why leaving it active and using the 1Password browser extension to fill information in the browser is a good idea, though:

    It adds certain protections to the way you use 1Password. For one using 1Password to fill information foregoes the clipboard, preventing a third party app from seeing the usernames and password.

    The other, more important security benefit, is protecting you from phishing attacks. Phishing, if you don't know what it, is the attempt by a criminal to fool you into giving them your user credentials for a given site, like your bank, PayPal, or Amazon, by presenting you with a fake site that looks like Amazon, PayPal, etc. but really isn't.

    The 1Password browser extension protects you here by only offering to fill the user credentials on a given site, if the address matches what is saved in the login item in your 1Password vault exactly.

    Our security expert Jeff wrote a blog post about this that explains it in more detail: One phish, two phish; old phish, new phish

    If you have questions, please let us know.



  • tiagocesar
    Community Member

    I believe that @lanta wants to double-click the 1Password icon, and then the whole application opens instead of the Mini app.

  • MikeT

    Hi @tiagocesar,

    Thanks for writing in. In 1Password 6.6, you can press Control and click on 1Password mini to open up the main 1Password app now.

  • codeknight
    Community Member

    Handy to know, thanks Mike!

  • tiagocesar
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT, that's handy! However, sometimes the user is on a notebook having to use the trackpad and holding Ctrl can sometimes feel clumsy. Maybe an option to configure the default behavior for double-clicking?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Indeed, I've only got Ctrl on the left side. If I weren't right-handed, I'd be doing some Twister to make that work. We'll see if there are other things we can do to make 1Password more easily accessible. :)

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