Auto fill in both Chrome and Safari does not work


After updating 1password autofill does not work on either Chrome and Safari. I have tried to reinstall the extensions but did no work.

Chrome: Version 58.0.3029.96 (64-bit)

I am thinking it is not the extension because it is both Safari and Chrome. But I am going out of my mind, I saved all my passwords in 1password and now I have to copy/paste all the time.

1Password Version: 6.7.1 (671001)
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @robert_utah,

    Thanks for reaching out, for letting us know all those details and that it's not working in either Chrome or Safari. It's a great first step to getting this resolved!

    If you click on the 1Password browser button this should begin a connection attempt from the extension to the 1Password app. If this fails then you should see a new tab open up and a connection error being displayed. Usually if that happens there's some Anti Virus, VPN, Proxy, Ad-blocking or Privacy app that's interfering with the connection.

    If however when you click on the 1Password browser button and you see 1Password Mini being displayed then the connection is up. You may see an error message, something like "browser could not be verified", but I'm assuming not since you didn't mention it. So if you are seeing the 1Password Mini being displaying but filling isn't working then something else is going on perhaps in the 1Password app or in the web page(s) themselves.

    Let me know what you see when you click that 1Password button in the two browsers - is the behaviour the same? and what, if anything, happens when you click?

    Looking forward to hearing back.

    Best regards,

  • robert_utah
    Community Member

    Hi Matthew

    I get no error at all.

    I go the the webpage where I wan't to login (have tried multiple). Click on the 1Password button in the browser. I get the normal window with the login information. I use my mouse to click the login and the window closes, normally the input fields would be filled and submitted to login, but no data is filled and the button is not submitted.

    The behaviour is same in Chrome and Safari.

    I don't know if i has to do with my trial has expired. It had worked before with the trial have been expired. I will buy it but I want to be sure I can use it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @robert_utah: If the trial has expired, it should say so in the 1Password mini window. It won't be possible to fill logins in your browser in that case. Could you please clarify what you're seeing? If it's simpler, take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure not to post any sensitive information, as this is a public forum. However, if it hasn't expired yet, then there's something else going on. Let me know what you find!

  • robert_utah
    Community Member

    I know for sure my trial is expired, it says so.

    But until I updated 1Password and Chrome today it worked. My trial ended a some weeks ago and it continued to work like a charme with Autofill. The things lige edit the login and such did was blocked and I told me when trying to do os. With the autofill it says nothing and because it used to work with trial, I was wondering if there is some other things wrong.

    I will buy a license but need to make sure it works. If I buy a license you are sure it will start working again?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @robert_utah: Ah, thanks for clarifying. It sounds like you were the beneficiary of a bug where the trial expiration didn't register properly. ;)

    Purchasing a license for 1Password for Mac will remove the trial restrictions on that version. But if you'd like to use 1Password across multiple devices without having to purchase licenses for each version (and also not have to configure sync between them), you might want to try a membership.

    No matter what though, if it's still showing "trial" after your purchase, we'll get that sorted out for you — just a matter of applying the license or logging into your account. Let me know if you need a hand! :)

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