"No response code from server" message when attempting to set up 1Password on new computer

Community Member
edited September 2017 in Mac

I'm setting up 1Password on a Mac Mini which does not have a camera, therefore I'm entering the data manually. Pretty sure I'm entering the credentials correctly, but I cannot get past the "No response code from server" message. Help please? How do I get our account active on the Mini??

1Password Version: 6.0.1 (601003)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: agilebits cloud - team membership


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pgrogan - sorry to hear you're encountering this difficulty. It can come from a few things, but in general it means 1Password's not able to connect to the 1password.com server. This may be due to you not being connected to the internet, or it might be a proxy or other service intercepting your internet traffic and acting as a MiTM (Man in the Middle). Can you tell me what happens if you try to sign into your account in a browser from that same Mini?

  • pgrogan
    Community Member

    Just got back to the Mini and successfully logged in from Safari. That works fine. What next?

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    @pgrogan: That's promising news!

    I see you mentioned you don't have a camera, but can try scanning the Setup Code from the "Get the Apps" page of your account?

    Here's a demo of how to do that:

    Let us know if that makes any difference.

    Andrew Beyer (Ann Arbor, MI)
    Lifeline @ AgileBits

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pgrogan,

    Noticed this in your first post:

    1Password Version: 6.0.1 (601003)

    The current version of 1Password for Mac is 6.8.2 so you'll definitely want to update:

    How to keep 1Password up to date (Mac)

    You didn't mention which version of the extension you're using so make sure that's also up-to-date:

    How to keep the 1Password extension up to date

    Cheers. :)

  • pgrogan
    Community Member

    Ok: I've attempted to set up per the directions from Mr. Beyer, and I get the same response ("No response code from server.").

    Also checked to see where I got the app and it's from Agilebits, also confirmed I have auto check for updates checked. All good.

    What next??

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    @pgrogan: I'd be happy to double-check your version and hopefully gather some additional information from 1Password's logs. To do so, can you send us a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    How to send a 1Password diagnostics report

    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    Once I see it come in, I'll take a look and let you know what's causing this error.

    Andrew Beyer (Ann Arbor, MI)
    Lifeline @ AgileBits

  • pgrogan
    Community Member

    Just emailed the report, forgot to include the requested text in the subject... will repeat email with text in a moment.

  • pgrogan
    Community Member

    Ok, corrected email sent with diagnostics and code in subject line.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, @pgrogan -- one of us will reply to you shortly, either there or here.

  • pgrogan
    Community Member

    After upgrading the app worked as expected, thanks to all for your help. I'm curious how my app got outdated however since I have the "Automatically check for updates" selected in the preferences.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear it! It's hard to say, but certainly if something blocks the update check or you're not paying attention and accidentally dismiss the update it won't continue to nag you. Anyway, we're here if you ever need us. :)

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