Unable to update to 6.8.5. Update process is looping.

Community Member

I currently have version 6.7.1 installed on my Mac. Every once in a while my Mac prompts me to update. When I agree, it tries to update to 6.8.5.

I click on Download Update. After appearing to update, I get a new button - Update and Relaunch. After extracting and downloading, I get into a loop where I again see the Update and Relaunch button.

Is there another process I can use to update?



1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: NA


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2018

    @scottcarter -- Sorry for the inconvenience and frustration with updating. This occurred a while back due to a certificate provisioning error. If you've got 1Password for Mac from us (AgileBits) instead of the Mac App Store, then you'll need to head over to our downloads page and grab the full installer for version 6.8.5 (instead of the in-app updater). Once it downloads, open the package installer and run it -- just make sure you Quit 1Password and the Mini first, by typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu). You should only need to do this once, and it should solve your issue, but let us know if you run into any other problems or have additional questions!

  • scottcarter
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    That did the trick - thanks!

    I was curious about your distribution of 1Password for Mac outside the App Store. By any chance do you use a service like DevMate (https://devmate.com) or are you using a custom installer? The reason I ask is that I am starting to think about distribution of a Mac app that I am developing and was exploring options available to me.



  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @scottcarter You know, I get asked all sorts of questions about 1Password on a daily basis, and I'm pretty comfortable answering nearly all of them. But that one, I purely don't know the answer. Not being a developer myself, I'm not really sure what was used for 1Password for Mac. I know that for years, we didn't even use a pkg installer, but rather just a plain-vanilla zip file. That was changed in recent months, but I just don't know whether something like DevMate was used.

    Oooh, hey -- then I remembered that's why we have Slack: so I can actually ask the devs in real time. ;) Turns out, what we use is something called Packages, if that's helpful. Thanks for the question -- I learned something new as well!

  • scottcarter
    Community Member

    Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @scottcarter Of course! Happy to help. Have a great weekend!

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