iPhone & iPad has 503 items, my iMac 512

Community Member

I sat and tidied by vault on my iPad, my iPhone responded almost immediately, it is over 30 mins now and my iMac has yet to catch-up.

All my apps are up to date.

I cannot see a button to force it to synchronise, should I have to manually synchronise?

Any suggestions appreciated.

1Password Version: 7.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:iPhone & iPad has 503 items, my iMac 512


  • Corey_C
    Community Member


    That is certainly strange. Item updates through your membership should be effectively instant as you experienced with your iOS devices. If something isn't updating properly, try locking and unlocking 1Password a couple of times and see if that fixes it. If not, let me know and we will dig deeper into what is going on.

  • iwaddo
    Community Member

    To be clear, it did eventually synchronise at some point during the day whilst I was at work, I will keep an eye on it.

    Twice I've just added a new secure note and twice my iOS devices updated instantly, in one case it had synchronised before I even had chance to look. But after 5 mins my Mac has yet to receive either new secure note.

    I do not usually expect to sit here and watch one device synchronise to the other in real-time but it does leave one doubting whether or not it is working properly.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Please do keep an eye on it @iwaddo. It could just be a fluke of your internet connection at the time. If it continues to be a problem, let me know and we do some deeper diagnosis as your experience on your Mac should be the same as the iOS devices.

  • iwaddo
    Community Member

    @Corey_C So the situation is

    Testing with Secure Notes (SN)

    1, Create SN1 on iPad, SN1 appears instantly on iPhone, SN1 does not appear on iMac
    2. Create SN2 on iMac, SN2 appears instantly on iPhone and iPad, then SN1 from 1 above appears on iMac
    3. Delete SN1 on iPad, SN1 disappears instantly on iPhone, SN1 does not disappear on iMac
    4. Delete SN2 on iMac, SN2 disappears instantly on iPhone and iPad, then SN1 disappears on imac

    It seems as though there needs to be a synchronisation event initiated on the iMac for it to catch-up.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further information to help


  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    Alrighty @iwaddo time to look deeper into this. What I need you to do is send in a diagnostic report so I can see what is going on. Follow the instructions over at https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/ for information on how to do so. When you send the diagnostic, you will get a response from BitBot with a Support ID. Mention that support ID here and I will be right with you.

  • iwaddo
    Community Member

    email sent 30mins ago, no response, is this expected?

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    @iwaddo Apologies, our ticketing system is having some technical difficulties right now so responses are not being sent out properly. You should get the response as soon as possible.

  • iwaddo
    Community Member

    @Corey_C I received this ticket number #UXS-77285-939

  • Corey_C
    Community Member
    edited May 2018

    thanks @iwaddo, I will be right with you.

    ref: UXS-77285-939

  • iwaddo
    Community Member

    @Corey_C It is late here in the UK and I've an early start tomorrow so I need to sign off for tonight, I will look out for any feedback from you in the morning.

  • Corey_C
    Community Member

    No worries @iwaddo. Have a good night. :)

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