Why does the version have a copy button but not software license when in the software category

Community Member

If I enter a new software into the Software License category, the Version number has a copy button appear by it, but the Software license region does not, haven't you got this the wrong way around?

1Password Version: 7.03
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.13.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Why does the version have a copy button but not software license when in the software category


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I see the same and I agree it does seem rather bizarre.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @evansgo - Sharp eyes! I can see it here as well, and -- just to check -- I looked at the same record in 6.8.9 and it works properly there, so this is a regression; I've filed it as issue 1535. Thanks for reporting! :)

    ref: apple-1535

  • extensioncord
    Community Member

    +1 please fix, as this is still present in 7.0.7. Additionally the text of the "license key" field cannot be modified. Product Key, Serial Number are similar names that are used by different products and. Other values are sometimes necessary to record for activation of a license. e.g. QuickBooks Product Number. The primary section should be more versatile to cover the variety of jargon and values used by different vendors. Is there a standard for software license detail documentation/distribution? I seem to remember getting all the licenses in a software bundle in a 1Password .pif file a couple of times. First pass googling couldn't get through the general software licensing dross.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @extensioncord - I'm not sure what you mean. This issue was fixed in update 7.0.6 -- it was bug #1535; I filed it myself. In my copy of 7.0.7 currently, it's entirely absent. I would suggest perhaps restarting 1Password 7 for Mac completely by quitting 1Password 7 Completely (type ^⌥⌘Q (or just hold down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu) and then re-opening 1Password 7 for Mac from the Applications folder on your Mac. Let me know if that works for you.

  • evansgo
    Community Member

    The copy works for me thanks. I agree that I'd be nice to be able to edit the license key text, but its not a big issue for me.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @evansgo - I don't think the actual license key text itself has ever been editable. I know it wasn't in version 6, and I'm pretty sure about 5 and 4 as well. It's the one thing that makes a software license a license, even more than "registered to." I'll pass along your feedback to the developers, but in the meantime, if you have any sort of item that truly doesn't fit into the pre-defined categories, there is always Secure Notes, which are much more free-form and also no have Markdown styling, to allow you to get even more expressive with your notes.

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