Where are passwords cached on my mac

Community Member

I've moved to a 1password membership. I'm confused about what (and where) is stored locally on my mac (and iPhone). And how is the data encrypted?


1Password Version: 7.0.7
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.13.6
Sync Type: 1Password Membership
Referrer: forum-search:local files


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I've moved to a 1password membership.

    Awesome - welcome aboard!

    I'm confused about what (and where) is stored locally on my mac (and iPhone). And how is the data encrypted?

    When you have a 1password.com membership, the local copy of your data is more or less where it's always been. There are three places it can be, depending on what version of 1Password you're using:

    1. 1Password 6 from the Mac App Store - ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Data/
    2. 1Password 6 from us - ~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4/Data/OnePassword.sqlite
    3. 1Password 7 (from us OR Mac App Store) - ~/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits/Library/Application Support/1Password/Data/

    Encryption is done with AES256 in Galois/Counter Mode, strengthened by PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 to slow attack speeds. If you're curious about the details, I'd recommend About the 1Password Security Model. And if you're really a masochist into the nitty-gritty of the security of 1password.com accounts, try our full-length security white paper on the topic. The principal author of the latter is Jeff Goldberg, our Chief Defender Against the Dark Arts (lead crypto guy), and his writing style is amazingly approachable for such a technical topic. Feel free to ask any questions you might have! :)

  • markcleugh
    Community Member

    I guess I want to know the same thing. Where are my passwords stored? I'm on a Mac, Using 1PW7. From your list above, item 3, I can't find a folder on my HD or under my user account called "Group." Could it be somewhere else?

    I have some other 1PW files called "1Password.legacyagilekeychain" and "1Password.opvault" and a folder called "1Password data."

    I'm doing some house cleaning on my computer and I want to know what I can get rid of and what needs to stay. I find it strange that I can't tell 1PW7 preferences where I want to store the data (or can I?). I want to ensure that it's stored it in a place that stays synced with my other devices.

    Thank you

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @markcleugh - sorry for the confusion. There IS no folder called "Group." The reason that lengthy file path is inside the code box is because it is all one path. The folder name is not "Group," but "Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits/Library/...etc."

    If you're using 1Password 7 for Mac that's where your data folder is located. To be clear, this is 1Password's internal SQLite store of the data, and not something you can or should try to sync with other devices. 1Password has a few robust sync methods, but they're built-in, not something that has to be configured by the user digging around in their Library folder and manually trying to sync the internal database.

    If you're a 1password.com member, then you have a 1password.com account, and your syncing is taken care of automatically via the 1password.com servers. If you're a standalone user, then your data can be synced by one of our advanced, 3rd party methods. But none of them require you to mess with the data folder specifically. In fact, please don't do that.

    If you have "1Password.opvault" then you are already using either Dropbox or Folder Sync (or at least you were at one time). Please follow the instructions from the above link to get Dropbox sync set up and working on other devices, if that's your goal.

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