1Password for Mac opens new Chrome profile instead of using currently opened one

Community Member

1Password for Mac: v7.2.2
Google Chrome extensions: 1.12.2 and 1.12.3 - tried both, same behavior
Google Chrome: 70.0.3538.77
macOS: 10.13.6

My wife and I each have a Google Chrome profile set up, and we each have the 1Password extension installed. We also have the 1Password 7 application installed on our mac. If the only browser window that is open is using my Chrome profile, and I click on the website link in the 1Password 7 mac application (not the browser extension), the "open and fill" action opens a new Chrome window using my wife's profile instead of using the current window. I would expect it to use the profile of whatever the current window is. I haven't seen any other applications behave like this; e.g. if I click a link in Outlook or somewhere else, it uses the current window - it doesn't switch me to someone else's profile.

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: 1.12.3
OS Version: 10.13.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tentoo12 - 1Password works differently than a lot of other apps you might be used to. In general, however, the preferred way to keep data separate between users on a shared Mac is not via Chrome profiles, but via separate user accounts on the Mac itself. That's how 1Password (and other applications) keep your data separate from other users': my wife and I can open our own user account on the Mac, and launch Apple Mail, for example...and see our own, data, our own emails. The same goes for Microsoft Word or even saved games if we both play the same games -- it's the user account switch that allows me to see my own data and her to see her data, not profiles.

  • tentoo12
    Community Member

    Thanks for your response, Lars. In our case, we're happy to use the same user account on our mac, but I would like 1Password to target whatever Chrome profile is open at the moment.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tentoo12 - it sounds as if you may have 1Password X open in one profile and the (requires-desktop-app) extension open in the other. Might that be the case?

  • tentoo12
    Community Member
    edited November 2018

    I didn't realize there were two Chrome extensions - that's confusing! I thought I had the same, one-and-only Chrome extension installed in both Chrome profiles, but you're right. I checked and my profile only has the "1Password X" extension, but my wife's profile has the "1Password X" extension and the "1Password extension (desktop app required)" extension (v4.7.3.90).

    So, which extension(s) should we have installed? Do we really need both?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tentoo12 - you definitely don't need both, but it may be worth experimenting to see which one works better in your specific case. Do you and your wife have all your 1Password data commingled in 1Password for Mac? In other words, all in the same vault(s)?

  • tentoo12
    Community Member

    It's a bit of a mix. Most of our stuff is in a vault that is shared between us two, but this is a family account with other family members, so there are other vaults, some private, some shared with other people.

    Btw, thanks for your help with this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tentoo12 - I'm happy to help! However, I'm not quite sure where we are at the moment -- do you need any further assistance?

  • tentoo12
    Community Member

    Well, it's still not clear to me why there are two extensions, and what will work best for us. We have the 1Password app installed on our mac, so does that mean that both of us should install the "1Password extension (desktop app required)" extension? On the other hand, we use other computers at work and elsewhere where we use our Google Chrome profiles but where we don't have the 1Password app installed, so does that mean that both of us should install the "1Password X" extension? Is there a downside to having both installed?

    I wish this was a bit more streamlined, but since it's not, I guess we'll have to experiment a bit, as you suggested, to see what works best.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @tentoo12 - yes. If your plan is to separate your usage by means of Chrome profiles instead of the recommended method of separate user accounts on the Mac at home where you have 1Password for Mac installed, then you'll both need to install the 1Password extension for Chrome -- NOT 1Password X. On other devices where you have no ability to install 1Password for Mac, then you'd want to use 1Password X, as it'll be the only way to use 1Password in Chrome. The only technical downside to having both installed is user confusion, and the fact that clicking an item in 1Password for Mac will not open 1Password X, only the extension.

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