How do I reestablish automatic logging in?

Community Member

Since I updated to Mojave, and upgraded 1P to version 7.2.4, I've noticed that I have to click the log-on button (after 1P fills in the log-in name/password) on various websites, whereas in the past, it automatically "virtually clicked" that button for me. Is there a preference or setting I need to update to bring back that functionality?

1Password Version: 7.2.4
Extension Version: 7.2.4
OS Version: 10.14.2
Sync Type: iCloud


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    It's a change by Apple for security reasons, so the functionality won't be brought back.

    Depending on the way you use your computer, you may find that pressing Return after cmd-\ is smoother than clicking a log-in button, as it's only one additional keystroke.

  • Thanks for the quick reply, danco.

    @rhgold53 ,

    Essentially what danco said is correct. We are unable to bring it back as Safari 12 does not allow us to send a fake return keypress to the browser.


  • rhgold53
    Community Member

    Thank you both. It's always reassuring to learn that it's not only me!!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rhgold53 - definitely not. :) We were somewhat sad to see auto-submit go, but truthfully, it wasn't a 100% certainty to work, and sometimes could leave certain login pages in a weird state, and/or the user confused about what did/didn't happen (and why). When you combine that with the fact that it's a single additional key-press, it doesn't seem like that big a sacrifice -- especially when you consider that 1Password still can, with a single click in the main app:

    1. Launch your browser (if not running)
    2. Enter the URL of the item you clicked in 1Password
    3. Launch that site in your browser
    4. Enter the saved credentials from 1Password.

    The only thing 1Password no longer does is that final press of the return key (or mouse-click). And, in some cases, that can be a good thing -- such as when the site in question has changed something about the coding of their login page since when you saved the item in 1Password. Sometimes, that can result in fields getting filled improperly (or not at all), and when autosubmit occurred in such cases, it's difficult to tell what went wrong because it happens so fast. Anyway, glad we could clear things up for you. Happy New Year! :)

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