Any reason to prefer the AgileBits store version over buying from Mac App Store?

Community Member

I know that only the Mac App Store version supports iCloud sync, but apart from that feature (which I don't need), is there any reason to prefer one over the other?

I happened to have purchased the Mac App Store version. I see that I can switch, according to your fun stuff about 1Password 4's Sales and Licensing page, where it says this:

You can switch from the Mac App Store to our direct version at no extra cost by sending us your proof of purchase from the Mac App Store and we’ll send you the direct license.

Okay, so I can switch, but is there any benefit to doing so? Or are the two versions truly identical except for iCloud support?

I vaguely recall that with 1Password 3, there were some features that were not available in the app store version (because of Apple's strict guidelines about what App Store apps are allowed to do). Has that issue been resolved?


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @stevenjklein.

    Before mentioning why you might prefer one version of 1Password 4 over another let's start with this:

    As of 1Password 4.3.1 the text you quoted from the "fun stuff about 1Password 4's Sales and Licensing" page (thanks for bringing it to our attention!) is superseded by this information:

    With the Mac App Store version of 1Password 4 installed (even if it's never run), running 1Password 4.1.3 (or newer) from the AgileBits Store will copy the 1P4 MAS purchase receipt to use as the license for the web store version. After that, if desired, the 1P4 MAS app can be removed using Launchpad without touching any of your 1Password data.

    Briefer version:

    • Mac App Store users can now use our web store version without needing a license.

    The AgileBits store version of 1Password 4 stores its data in a different location from the Mac App Store version. Here are some instructions for how to handle that:

    Migrate from MAS to web store version

    Regarding version differences, a few are mentioned here:

    Purchase from Mac App Store or AgileBits' Store?

    The Mac App Store and AgileBits Store versions of 1Password 4 are essentially identical, with the key differences being related to sandboxing, iCloud, and automatic updates. Your MAS purchase can be the equivalent of a Family License. Upgrade pricing is still only possible with the Agile Store version. And it's easy to switch between regular web store releases and beta builds because the share the same data.

    You asked:

    I vaguely recall that with 1Password 3, there were some features that were not available in the app store version (because of Apple's strict guidelines about what App Store apps are allowed to do). Has that issue been resolved?

    That reminds me of someone claiming "big differences" between 1P3 versions being unable to specifically remember any. :)

    Offhand, other than what's previously mentioned, I don't recall any features that are only available in one version or the other. I switch between them regularly without ever noticing I'm missing something in either. I'll let you know if I discover anything that I'm overlooking right now.

    If you have other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  • stevenjklein
    Community Member

    Thanks @sjk.

    I also vaguely remember Agilebits saying that 1P4 would only be available as an app store product. Clearly that's not true, but I'm not sure if you changed your plans, or if my memory is faulty.

    I do know that (for some reason) I purchased 1P3 from the App Store even though I already owned a licensed copy of 1P3 purchased directly from you.

    Why would I buy a product I already owned? (Thinking aloud: Perhaps because you promised a free upgrade for users buying 1P3 from the Mac App store?)

    BTW, @sjk, every time I see a message with your name, for a split second I think to myself, "I don't remember posting that!"

    Steven J Klein (sjk)

  • thightower
    Community Member

    @stevenklein err sjk lol

    I also vaguely remember Agilebits saying that 1P4 would only be available as an app store product.

    Thats was the original idea I believe.

    I'm not sure if you changed your plans, or if my memory is faulty.

    Changed plans due to customer feedback I believe

    I do know that (for some reason) I purchased 1P3 from the App Store even though I already owned a licensed copy of 1P3 purchased directly from you.

    Same here

    Perhaps because you promised a free upgrade for users buying 1P3 from the Mac App store

    Thats why I purchased on the Mac App Store also.

  • stevenjklein
    Community Member
    edited January 2014

    Two more things:

    1. It's very cool that you have enabled the download version to "adopt" the MAS purchase receipt!

    2. Even though I now I have a license for 1P4 (from the MAS), I haven't bothered to upgrade from 1P3 for fear of losing something. (Where "something" is some undefined thing.) It seems to me that at this point, I may as well upgrade.

  • thightower
    Community Member

    I vaguely recall that with 1Password 3, there were some features that were not available in the app store version (because of Apple's strict guidelines about what App Store apps are allowed to do). Has that issue been resolved?

    The only one I recall off hand is the ability to specify the keychain file location. it (MAS version) had to have a set location default or in Dropbox ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain while the AgileBits version had no restriction.

  • stevenjklein
    Community Member
    edited January 2014

    Thanks, @thightower. I suppose there might be some reason for wanting a specific location for one's 1Password keychain file. For example, if you were concerned that someone might try and copy it and attempt to decrypt it, you could make their work a tiny bit harder for them by moving it to a disk image. (If you just moved the file to some non-standard location, they could easily find it by doing a search for files wit the .agilekeychain extension.)

    For me, that's a completely irrelevant feature. So the next time the Mac App Store nags me to upgrade to 1P4, I'll let it install the upgrade.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @stevenjklein,

    Yup, thanks to @thightower for answering your questions!

    About this point:

    I also vaguely remember Agilebits saying that 1P4 would only be available as an app store product. Clearly that's not true, but I'm not sure if you changed your plans, or if my memory is faulty.

    @MikeT explained:

    Yes, we originally said 1Password 4 was going to be exclusive to MAS but we changed our minds after listening to all of our customers over time who didn't like this and so, we changed our mind. However, whoever bought 1Password 3.9.x at the MAS will not be expected to pay anything to get 1Password 4, which is exactly what we promised and what was said in your screenshot. The only thing that's difference is the exclusivity.

    You remembered correctly and I hope that clarifies it. :)

    BTW, @sjk, every time I see a message with your name, for a split second I think to myself, "I don't remember posting that!"

    That often happens to me when I notice "s?k" written somewhere and '?' isn't a 'j'. :D

    So the next time the Mac App Store nags me to upgrade to 1P4, I'll let it install the upgrade.

    Are you currently syncing with Dropbox in 1P3 (and/or anywhere else) and is your keychain in the preferred Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain location?

    Before upgrading you might want to browse through some of the documentation, if you haven't already, starting with:

    Welcome to 1Password 4 for Mac

    Let us know if you have any other pre-upgrade questions. Thanks!

  • stevenjklein
    Community Member

    @sjk, you asked about syncing with dropbox and the keychain location.

    The answers are yes, I'm syncing with Dropbox, but…

    The 1Password.agilekeychain file is in my Dropbox folder, but it isn't nested within any folder. I don't even have a 1Password folder in my Dropbox folder.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, @stevenjklein.

    When 1Password 4 locates existing data during the initial setup I suggest verifying that it's the data you want it to use, e.g.:

    When someone doesn't see data they expect in 1P4 after upgrading it's usually because 1P4 happened to choose incorrectly when several data sources were available for it to use. We've improved how the default data is selected so it's more likely to be the correct, preferred choice.

    Having (and leaving) 1Password.agilekeychain in your Dropbox root folder will work fine, with a near guarantee that 1P4 will automatically find it there. :)

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