Doesn't seem to work with Vanguard

Community Member

Vanguard has a two page login process. Username on first page, password on the next page.

When I click on Vanguard under the 1Password flashlight in Safari, it takes me to the website, but doesn't fill anything in. After I manually log in, it always asks if I want to save the login. Any ideas? I'm a newbie at this, just purchased 1Password today, and so far it's been a less-than-impressive experience.


  • desperotto
    Community Member

    Further to the above, it also doesn't seem to work with Ally Bank or PenFed Credit Union. Both of these sites also have a two-page login process. Is 1Password unable to deal with two-pagers?

  • Hi @desperotto,

    Multi-page logins are a bit tricky. Check out this support article for the best available way to deal with them:

    Create multi-page logins

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Here's how I do Vanguard. I get to the login page by double clicking on the item in 1PW. That takes me to the login page but doesn't fill anything in. I click on the key at the top bar and click on "Vanguard". That fills in my user ID but doesn't enter. I have to hit "enter" manually. This takes me to the 2nd page. I again click on the key and Vanguard. Now the PW is entered and I'm taken directly to the site.

    There may be an easier way but that's how I've worked it out...

  • desperotto
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    Thanks, guys. I've tried the multi-page login that JasperP suggested. That works for PenFed and for AllyBank. I can't make it work for Vanguard, though. It handles the user ID OK, but when I click on the "Vanguard Psw", Vanguard immediately pops up an error window that the password is incorrect. I've checked it in 1PW edit, and it looks correct. I've re-created it three times, always with the same result -- incorrect password entered. Any thoughts? Could it be too fast? Does 1PW add a final [CR] or [TAB] to the psw that Vanguard doesn't like? I'm stumped.

  • jpgoldberg
    1Password Alumni


    I don't know if you are the same person who I've been talking with in email about this. We also came to the conclusion that 1Password just doesn't do the right thing on the second page of Vanguard login. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote there:

    Banks, quite correctly, are distrustful of anything that looks like an automated password attempt. Their mechanisms for trying to block automated password guessing cannot always distinguish between the good guy (us) and the bad guys. As a consequence there are some bank pages that we struggle with.

    There might also be an issue with hidden fields that we might be able to fine tune, but one difficulty we face with tuning for two-page logins is that we can't see the second page examine its design unless one of us happen to have an account on that system.

    It is hard to predict when and whether we will be able to get that password filling correct. So I'm afraid that you need to use copy/paste of that password for the time being. I wish I had a better answer.

  • desperotto
    Community Member

    Thanx for the quick response. Not what I was hoping to hear, but I guess I can deal with it.

  • jpgoldberg
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks. Pretty much every update to 1Password involves some improvement to form filling. So please do give it a try every now and then.

  • desperotto
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    I learned on another thread how to turn off auto-submit. With auto-submit disabled, my Vanguard login now works properly. That also fixed a problem I was having at the Social Security site.

  • zharry
    Community Member

    It's interesting that my Vanguard issue is that the ID saved will not work but the password I created as a second page worked. Harry Zemel

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi guys,

    @desperotto: My personal preference is having Automatically submit logins after filling disabled, then enabling Always submit for specific Login items that I confirm it works with. Maybe I'm wrong but explicitly enabling it that way makes it at least appear less likely to unintentionally submit sensitive information where it doesn't belong. :)

    @zharry: It looks like at least the recent beta extensions have an issue with saving/filling this "User name" field on the page:

    They succeed with this field on the page:

    I'll make sure the developers are aware of this.

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