Feature Request: Search/Fill from *all* open vaults [currently in Mac beta testing]

Community Member
edited November 2015 in Mac

This isn't Mac-specific, but I used 1P through v3, then because I had to have a solution that was cross-platform (Mac/Windows) I moved to LastPass. I'm now considering moving back to 1P because of the much better and more robust interface (IMHO) and the fact you have a cross-platform solution.

In LP, I could select a "Folder" of logins to share with my wife. When she accepted the invitation to share, that folder appeared in her vault. If either of us updated anything (add new login / change passwords / etc) in that folder, it was updated in both of our vaults. Note that those shared items were included in our respective vaults - NOT a separate vault we had to switch to in order to use them.

The WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) of having to switch from a "Primary" to "Shared" vault in order to use a login we share is very low. I would go so far as to say this could very easily torpedo my desire to move back to 1P. The way it is now is not very wife/mom/dad/grandma/etc friendly.

Is there a way (or a plan to) allow filling/searching all open vaults simultaneously?




  • chrisdj
    edited September 2014

    Hi @steve28‌,

    While I can't promise it will ever be implemented, we have kicked around the idea of having a universal vault search. I have no idea when such a thing would be available, though, if ever.

    ref: OPM-1644

  • daanjj
    Community Member

    I strongly agree with this! While the shared vaults are a great feature, they are a real nuisance to use in practice because one needs to remember when to switch vaults. To make things worse, the UI for switching vaults in iOS is unhelpful.

    This can't be too difficult anno 2014? Come on Agilebits, you are otherwise delivering a great tool that I am happily using for 5+ years!

  • Hi @daanjj,

    It's more difficult than you would think, since there is a lot that has to be decrypted for a search. But we are getting closer here. The multiple vault system is still in its infancy. We have a long way to go yet.

  • steve28
    Community Member

    @chrisdj - It might be difficult, but it's a half-measure the way it is. You either need "search all open vaults" or the ability to sync individual logins with another user. The Wife Acceptance Factor ...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    I have emailed tech support for a timeline on when,if at all, this feature will be added.

    Not being able to view and use all vaults at the same time without having to switch each time is a non starter. It was a pain in the butt to get my wife to use a password manager to begin with. She has her vault, I have mine and then we have a household vault for things we share. She just wouldn't use the software program the way it currently operates.

    If they do not provide me with a timeline or confirmation that this feature will be added, I will be going back to LastPass.

    Don't get me wrong. I think the people here have been amazing at quickly responding to all our inquiries and providing as much support as possible. For me, it's simply a functionality issue.


  • steve28
    Community Member

    I'm in the exact same boat as @Jagstyles‌ ... having multiple vaults is just wonderful. Getting the 99% to use them... futile.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    We have the best customers on the planet, and I am reminded of it time after time. You obviously care enough to contact us about this. Thank you for your passion, folks! I wish more folks in this world shared it.

    We deeply appreciate customer input and take it into account constantly. We have always preferred to let the software speak for itself rather than trying to lure people in with promises of future features or products. In fact, I'd never encourage anyone to purchase 1Password (or any product) based on claims of future features or versions. On the contrary, I would advise you and others to always use the tool that meets your needs as best as possible today. If that's not 1Password for you at this time, then we will keep working hard in the hopes that one day it is.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with. I have passed your feedback along to the developers and would be happy to pass any additional feedback to them as well. :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    May sound silly but you think if we keep bumping this topic to the top that the development team will finally get around to implementing this feature? It has to be the single most requested feature by all users. I realize it may require some advanced coding of some sort, but clearly there must be a way to achieve this. I think it would really set their software apart from everyone else.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It isn't the single most requested feature by a pretty wide margin, but it sure would be useful. No need to keep "bumping" as only one vote per person is counted. :)

    We hear you loud and clear, and it's on our list. We just can't say "when" or "if" ahead of the inclusion of the feature.

  • natevancouver
    Community Member

    Is there a way to search across multiple vaults yet? It was mentioned a year ago that this was under consideration (https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/86410/#Comment_86410).

    My wife and I have our own personal vaults, plus a shared family vault, and switching between the personal and family vault all the time is a hassle.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @natevancouver,

    I've merged your topic with a newer discussion about multi-vault searching/filling. This hasn't been implemented yet, nor has the request been forgotten. Your interest has been duly noted; thanks!

    ref: OPM-1644

  • theboyk
    Community Member

    Just want to throw my vote into this as well. I've been considering bringing 1Password into our corporate environment (to replace a very dated password database system). When Shared Vaults was released, I was really hoping it was the solution I was looking for (been a long time 1Password user). It works great for secondary vaults I don't need to access often, but just in testing separating out my "personal" passwords and "work" passwords, I'm already finding, after only a few days of testing, that I'm constantly having to jump between those two vaults a lot (which I know doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but after doing it 20-30 times a day, it can get annoying). And if I were to implement this fully (within a couple teams at our company), it'd get really confusing as, once things start getting broken down by department, etc., it'd be a lot of jumping from vault-to-vault to find the password you're looking for. And, as I've learned from supporting users over the year, unless it's "dead simple", when it comes to passwords, they're just going to end up writing it down on a sticky under their keyboard.

    Anyway, so, again, this feature definitely gets my vote!!!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    Thank you for the detailed feedback and vote, @theboyk. It's been heard and counted. :)

  • NovapaX
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    This feature has my vote as well.

    I have my personal (primary) vault (in iCloud), a family vault i share with my wife, a business vault I share with some of my colleagues, another business vault I use for my own business. (all in dropbox shared folders)

    You see I like to be able to separate things, so I can easily transfer or share responsibility (for example in case something happens with me...)
    But it's a bit of a pain to explain the vault switching to other users (my wife for example). They just want to right click (or use the 1p extension on iOS) and fill the password.

    EDIT: Oh wow... it DOES WORK as I would like in the 1p extension on iOS 8. (just not in the app itself.)

  • Thanks for the additional feedback, @NovapaX‌

  • cgunther
    Community Member

    Just wanted to add a vote for this in the Mac app, though I'm sure all platforms would benefit from such a feature.

    I have a personal vault and a shared work vault and often have both a personal login and a work login for a single site, so if I try to fill and login via the keyboard shortcut, it'll log me in via whichever vault is currently open. If 1Password could recognize that there were multiple logins for the current site between my vaults and presented me the list when hitting the keyboard shortcut (similar to how fill and login works when there's multiple entries in the current vault), that would be awesome!

    Thanks for 1Password!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cgunther,

    Thanks so much for the feedback! I've added your thoughts to the issue in our internal tracker. Personally, I'd love to see this feature as well! :)

  • forest
    Community Member

    +1 for this feature. Multi-Vault search and fill or sharing of single items like LastPass.

    I moved to LastPass for the better sharing story, but really hate the UI. Please don't make me use it. :)

    This will for sure boost the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor).

  • Hi @forest,

    Thanks so much for the feedback! I've added your vote for this feature. :)

  • reck
    Community Member

    Yes please do add this. Anyone that uses more than 1 vault would surely benefit from this.

    Would it also be possible for the iOS extension to have access to multiple vaults? When I go to a website in Safari and use the extension it will only look in a single vault for the website.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I've tallied your vote, @reck -- thanks! The benefits for this are undoubtedly clear. :)

  • A quick side note to @reck‌, the Safari extension in iOS (and the in-app 1Browser) should find all matches across all vaults that you have set up in the iOS app. Note that the website fields do need to match.

  • reck
    Community Member

    Hi Chris,

    I thought last time I used the extension it brought up an empty pane when I activated the extension for a certain site. I assumed this was down to me having the wrong vault open.

    I’ll go back and try again, if it does fill in from multiple vaults that’s great.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @reck,

    If you're seeing an empty pane in the iOS extension, it's likely because the URL you are viewing doesn't match any of the URLs you have saved in 1Password. This can happen if a website uses a different URL for mobile devices. The best thing to do in this case is to copy the site's mobile URL and paste it into your existing entry as a secondary website. This will ensure that the right entry shows up when you need it. :)

  • reck
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan. I'm just chuffed logins work across vaults :)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @reck,

    Glad to hear it! (I may have had to Google 'chuffed' just to be sure that this was actually a good thing ... forgive my Canadian-ness!) ;)

  • reck
    Community Member

    haha yeah chuffed is definitely a good thing.

  • oshloel
    Community Member

    Similar to many others, I have a Wife Acceptance issue with multiple vaults of the Yours, Mine & Ours variety and have been lobbying for an integrated multi-vault solution since multiple vaults were first introduced. In the mean time I have developed an alternative approach that, while not ideal, does save me a number of workflow steps.

    Since my wife absolutely is not going to switch vaults looking for stuff, I had been going to her laptop physically (or via screen sharing) and manually duplicating everything from the shared vault to her primary vault. I had to do this each time I made any change to a shared item. That was a VERY UGLY process!

    The alternative I developed was to eliminate the shared "ours" vault 
and just make her primary vault the secondary vault on my Mac. Shared 
items are in both of our primary vaults and marked with a "Shared" tag. Now when I 
update a tagged (shared) item in my primary vault it is easy to copy it
 over to her primary on the spot since her primary is the secondary on my 
computer. This works for us since my wife never updates/adds to our shared items and has no problem with me seeing all her passwords/logins. It also saves me lots of steps when it comes to managing our shared items.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @oshloel‌

    Thanks for sharing your process here! I'll remind our developers that you're excited to see a feature like this happen. :)

  • JeremyL
    Community Member

    +1 for being able to search across multiple vaults. Thanks.

This discussion has been closed.