what license to buy

Jason Nerenberg
Jason Nerenberg
Community Member

i have one macbook, and 2 pcs, although i will phase out one pc for the mac, i also have my android phone, what license should i buy


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jason Nerenberg

    I assume you will want to keep all of these machines and devices synced. If that is indeed the intent just to let you know you'll want to be using Dropbox to do so as the only platform agnostic solution that will work across all of them.

    Having gotten that out of the way, as long as you will always have at least one Mac and one Windows machine in the mix, you will want to consider our 1Password Mac + Windows Bundle available in our store (https://agilebits.com/store). You can try 1Password out for 30 days on both platforms to see if it works for you before you purchase. You will need a separate licence for Android which would be via the Google Play Store (again, you can try it for 30 days first).

    Even when you phase one Windows machine out for another Mac you'll be covered as you can have 1Password on as many machines as you personally own, it's just you need a licence for each platform.

    If you have any more questions just post back here :smile:

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