My 1Password on my desktop and laptop have different sync options--

Community Member

My 1Password on my desktop and laptop have different sync options-- desktop (dropbox) and laptop (iCloud) how do I sync??


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @myleaven,

    I can think of two reasons for this but to know for sure which we'd need a little more detail regarding the setup on your two machines, specifically the version of OS X and 1Password for Mac on each.

    So the two reasons why you might see this would be:

    1. If you're running our Agile Web Store (AWS) version of 1Password on both but you're still running Mavericks and 1Password 4 for Mac on the MacBook.
    2. If you're running 1Password 5 for Mac on both then I surmise you are probably running the AWS version on your Mac and the the Mac App Store (MAS) version on your MacBook.

    Both come back to one change. When Apple released iOS 8 and Yosemite they also released iCloud Drive. iCloud Drive introduced a number of new frameworks, one of which is called CloudKit and is the new iCloud Sync. We use this but it has two drawbacks; 1. iCloud Drive is only available to iOS 8 and Yosemite, nothing older e.g. Mavericks but also iCloud frameworks are only accessible by apps or applications purchased from an Apple Store. So for the first time we have a real difference between the AWS and MAS version, something we didn't want to happen. For more on this topic Dave Teare himself wrote an announcement that you may find informative, iCloud Changes in the Website Version of 1Password 5.

    Depending on whether you have purchased from MAS as well us will have an impact on your options. What will definitely work would be to sync using Dropbox as all versions and all platforms support Dropbox. Under the right circumstances we can have you sync via iCloud but to better advise we will need to know a little more about your Macs. Once we know we can inform you of your options :smile:

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