"Show Password" vs "Open Login" dropdown

Community Member

I like David's "Keep in Sync" mailer. Maybe you could one day address the confusing display of Passwords and Logins. For example, I am in Safari under OS 10.10.3 and want to log in to one of my accounts at LA Fitness. I go to the 1Password icon in the Safari menu bar and search for LA F… and I am then presented with a dropdown per the attached screenshot.
Why show here “Show Password” and “Open Login”, and in that order… .

And, this does not happen for all logins; many of my logins just popup without displaying the “Show Password” line - I guess only for those where I used the 1P password generator would show this dual display of Password and Login????

I have tried to get this Password vs. Login clarified in earlier support emails, but never got a clear answer.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @frh,

    That's a puzzling picture. For me OPEN LOGIN is always above SHOW PASSWORD not matter what I've tried so far. Try as I might I can't replicate that aspect of your screenshot.

    Now having both show when you perform a search is to be expected. We search your vault and return all matches no matter where they are. So I'd expect to see the Password items in the results, but like yourself I'd always expect to see them below the Login items.

    Now the most common reason for having a Password item is as you suspect, through use of our Password Generator. The reason for this is we want to make sure you have a record of any generated passwords just in case. Normally what happens though is when you save a Login item that uses the same password the Password item is converted into a Login item.

    One thing you can do to trim down the number of Password items you might have is through our Help > Tools > Remove Redundant Generated Passwords. If it find a Login item that matches both the password and URL then it will remove the Password item as it merely duplicates existing information.

    That isn't to say all Password items are redundant. I like to use that category for iOS app password/PINS, encrypted disk images - you get the idea. If your Password items represent passwords for websites though they're be better off converted into Login items.

    Does that help at all for the differences between Login and Password items?

  • frh
    Community Member

    Hi Littlebobbytabels,
    just tried it again with searching many other logins and it always shows the "Show Passwords" on top, see new sample screenshot.
    I am running Mac OS 10.10.3, Safari 8.0.5 and 1Password extension 4.3.1 - all the latest editions. It does the same with Firefox and Chrome.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @frh,

    I'm asking colleagues as I have to confess, I don't know why. Hopefully somebody has come across this before.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @frh,

    It seems I forgot one key step in my testing yesterday and that was to restart 1Password.

    1Password mini uses the same category ordering as the main 1Password window. I would say if you were to look in there you will find the Passwords category above the Login items one. If you alter this and then restart 1Password you should find normal behaviour returns. The best way to completely restart 1Password is to use the ⌃⌘Q keyboard shortcut and then launch 1Password again.

    Does that help at all?

  • frh
    Community Member

    That worked, thank you! Didn't know we could reorder this list.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I knew we could reorder in the main window but I'd never twigged they changed in 1Password mini. What tripped me up @frh was the reboot step. We both learnt something new :smile:

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