Can't swipe left or mouse left in quick tour [need to sign up on first screen]

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 7 for Windows

Clean install of 1Password Alpha on Windows 10 Home. Initial load screen wants me to "Swipe left to continue". I have a non-touchscreen and i am trying to use the mouse where one should be swiping to the left. No success. Any ideas?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Can't "Swipe left to continue" on a non-touchscreen. Mouse-ing left isn't working. Any ideas?


  • @jimzdman you can use keyboard left/right arrows, PgUp, PgDn, scroll mouse wheel, click with mouse on left/right arrows at the middle of left/ridge edge of the window.

  • jimzdman
    Community Member

    I just tried about 20 different combinations of what I think you mean. No success.

  • jimzdman
    Community Member

    here's what i am seeing.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @jimzdman, I'm sorry this is causing you problems!

    I had a few moments frustration, myself, until I realized that swiping up and down on the trackpad worked to move me through the "quick tour" (the first page of which you show in that screen shot). Have you tried that?

    Also, have you filled in the e-mail address field and tapped the Sign up button?

    If neither of those ideas helps, what type device are you using? (I'll see if any of my compatriots have access to a similar device.)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    According to Development, that "Swipe left to continue" animation on the first screen is a bit misleading, in that you can't swipe away from that signup screen until you've entered your e-mail address and tapped the Sign up button.

    Once you've done that, you can swipe left and right (or up and down) to move around through the quick tour pages.

  • jimzdman
    Community Member

    I was trying to avoid signing up for yet another list, but after I entered my email address I was able to use the keyboard arrows to navigate (right arrow) past the initial screens. Thank you, problem solved.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    That’s great news, @jimzdman—thanks for letting us know!

    The list is our way of letting you know, very occasionally, of developments in the alpha development phase, including when we move from "alpha" into "beta": probably worth hearing about. :) We promise not to deluge you!

  • valvalis
    Community Member

    I'd like to chime in as well -- I assumed that the software plain didn't work on Desktop yet as I tried clicking and swiping left to no avail. Took me quitting and re-opening to see the tiny right and left arrows on the sides of the window that enabled you to go to the next pane on a desktop.

    It's neat that you can slide around but the lack of clarity for desktop users is a big minus.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback, @valvalis!

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